Complementary Architectures for b2b Or – How to get plugged in OMG and ebXML Complementary Architectures for b2b Or – How to get plugged in Cory Casanave, DataAccess Karsten Riemer, Sun Microsystems
Vision of ebXML Collaborations Process Definition Partner Discovery Process Evolution Electronic Business Collaboration Partner Sign-Up Process Management Process Execution Electronic Plug-in BSI + TRP BSI
ebXML Architecture Designtime Runtime BP Specification Business Process Core Data Blocks Business Messages CPA Context For Built With Implement one Partner Role Implement other Partner Roles Register Designtime CPP This model describes not only how all this will work, but also provides a good idea of how ebXML is organized. For example, The Business Process project team is developing the methodology for building models of business processes, and the Core Components group will publish a methodology for defining core blocks of business data. And both groups develop examples, from common business processes, to prove the validity of their methodologies. These two teams work closely together, and their work products will enable standards and industry groups to develop business messages. These will be stored in a global ‘repository’, which will probably be many repositories all linked together. Like the Internet! The Trading Partner Profile team is describing how trading partners will share information about themselves. Transport will handle the actual exchange of all this information, and the messages between trading partners. And those are just a few of the work efforts going on at ebXML. You’ll see this slide again, with some variation, when we talk about Proof of Concept. Business Service Interface Business Service Interface Transport Package Internal Business App Internal Business App Runtime
BSI Architecture A BSI We need a BSI architecture Is configured by a CPP Manages the conversation with your ebXML partners Integrates to your back end systems We need a BSI architecture We believe that OMG EDOC has a component architecture for a BSI b2b EAI
What is EDOC? Patterns Process Events Entity Business Components (BSI) Specification for Enterprice Collaboration Architecture Patterns Process Events Entity Business Components (BSI) Software Components (EJB, COM, CORBA)
Business Collaboration Anatomy of a Collaboration (adapted from UMM Metamodel) Agreement Partner Types Business Collaboration Economic Event Choreography Transition Guard Request Document Roles Business Transaction Response Document BSI BSI
b2b and EAI EAI integration b2b integration EAI integration App EAI App b2b to EAI integration