Traffic Control Plan Development Course Module 5 Work Zone Plan Sets
Work Zone Plan Sets Some of the sheets found on a TTC plan include, but are not limited to: Title Sheet For Overall Plan For TC Section Pay Item Tabulation Sheet Traffic Control Tabulation Sheet Special Signs Narrative Advanced Signing Detours Traffic Control Staging Sheets (Layout Sheets) Typical Sheets
TC Plan Development General Information Designers must be aware of the need for a Traffic Control Plan Coordination meetings are recommended Designer will likely need to provide construction sheets or general layout sheets Traffic Engineering will develop based on: TEM MN MUTCD TMP
Standard Plates Website TC Plan Development Standard Plates Approved by Department staff and Federal Highway Administration for the various structures essential to highway design and construction Used by manufacturing firms in supplying products of culverts, sewers, erosion controls, signals, lights, guardrails, fences, etc Standard Plates Website
Plan Assembly Steps To begin the project, start with ProjectWise Obtain the existing construction plans, including any staging Eliminate levels of detail (buildings, lot lines, etc) on roadway plan sheets REASON: So placement of signs on roadway sheets are not cluttered by underlying details.
Plan Assembly Steps To begin the project, start with ProjectWise Obtain the existing construction plans, including any staging Eliminate levels of detail (buildings, lot lines, etc) on roadway plan sheets REASON: So placement of signs on roadway sheets are not cluttered by underlying details.
TTC Assembly Steps Organize roadway plan sheets all mainline roadway comes first with stationing generally increasing from left to right (include roadway through interchanges for depicting mainline TC through the interchange next are interchange/intersection layouts for indicating TC on cross streets and at ramp terminals REASON: Consistency in design.
TTC Assembly Steps Place traffic control elements on the roadway plan sheets for each direction of travel Refer to the discussions in Chapter 3 (Devices and Materials) and Chapter 4 (Work Zone Applications)
TTC Assembly Steps Label each type of pavement marking with the following numbering system: REASON: The uniqueness of each pavement marking material is bid differently by contractors
TTC Assembly Steps For a detour plan, a circled note below the sign on the layout sheet indicates the action to take with the sign Typical notes show include:
TTC Assembly Steps Prepare list of standard plates applicable to project Prepare list of estimated quantities using the total quantity from each of the data boxes Assemble all necessary typical sheets Complete the title sheet Assemble ALL of the plan sheets in the proper order Number the roadway sheets sequentially beginning with the Title Sheet as Sheet TC1 Fill in, and check, all sheet cross referencing throughout the plan
TTC Assembly Steps ASSHTOWare
Metro District TTC Plan Checklist
Metro District TTC Plan Checklist
Metro District TTC Plan Checklist
Metro District TTC Plan Checklist
Metro District TTC Plan Checklist
Metro District TTC Plan Checklist
Metro District TTC Plan Checklist
Metro District TTC Plan Checklist
Metro District TTC Plan Checklist
Metro District TTC Plan Checklist
Metro District TTC Plan Checklist
Metro District TTC Plan Checklist
Process A vs Process B Process A projects small projects, which are minor in scope Contain no more than 50 plan sheets and comprise less than 20 pay items MAY be 8 ½ x 11 inch sheets If process A, coordinate with the main plan designers on what they are doing
Process A vs Process B Process B projects Consists of plans that needs Central Office approval Typical projects constitute approximately 75% - 80% of the current Pre-Letting workload The typical project may require special provisions prepared by the District specialty units Typical project will require utility coordination, and possible agreements
Common TTC Plan Set Issues Discussed Later
Design Scene A guidance document for designers, technicians and engineers to help improve the quality and reduce cost and time of plan preparation An example of the Design Scene newsletter, and some select Design Scene topics are included as a handout in the Appendix
Construction Plan Title Sheet Plan Description and Location
Construction Plan Title Sheet Project Number(s) Construction Plan Title Sheet
Construction Plan Title Sheet Governing Specifications and Index of Sheets
Construction Plan Title Sheet Plan Preparation Certification Note
Construction Plan Title Sheet Project Numbers and Sheet Numbers
Construction Plan Title Sheet Signature Block
Construction Plan Title Sheet Index Map
Construction Plan Title Sheet Project Location
Construction Plan Title Sheet Plan Revisions Block
TTC Plan Title Sheet Traffic Control Plan Title Sheet
TTC Plan Title Sheet General Information
TTC Plan Title Sheet Signing Notes
TTC Plan Title Sheet Pavement Markings
TTC Plan Title Sheet Barriers and Delineation
TTC Plan Title Sheet Construction Information Signing
TTC Plan Title Sheet TTC Plan Index
TTC Plan Title Sheet Traffic Control Devices and Symbols Legend
TTC Plan Title Sheet Striping Legend Key
TTC Plan Title Sheet Title, Signature, Project Number and Sheet Number Block
Traffic Control Tabulation AASHTOWare Project List
Traffic Control Tabulation Traffic Control Supervisor A pay item that can have three different units (Hour, Each, Lump Sum) used when you have complex traffic control or a switch If you use lump sum, technically this person is needed at all times Using ‘Hour’ is more flexible
Traffic Control Tabulation Charts Sheet
Special Sign Details
Narrative Sheet
Advanced Signing
Detour Sheeting
TC Layout Sheets
TC Layout Sheets
TC Layout Sheets
TC Layout Sheets
TC Layout Sheets
TC Layout Sheets Layout Sheet Tips On the Layout sheets, all the extra elements are not needed (like parking lots) Don’t be afraid to us insets If possible, can break in half and show two sheets on one
TC Layout Sheets Layout Sheet Tips Avoid having sheets with limited information on it For instance, Advanced Signing may be the only thing on a sheet (if break lines are not used) This helps to remove unnecessary sheets that just show one sign A distance isn’t needed since it can be found in other references already stated in this material
TC Layout Sheets Layout Sheet Tips If the “Right Lane Must Exit” is permanent, this should be noted such Not all signs need to be shown, just the ones that are impacted by the TC plan If a sign is being covered, that should be noted If anything is in-place and relative to the installation, show it. An example such as Adopt a Highway would not be shown
TC Layout Sheets Layout Sheet Tips Use match-lines or break-lines when possible or feasible Dimensions instead of a scale can be used When you have sheets that have redundant info, such as pavement marking, don’t need to show every single pavement marking. Include typicals and break lines in-between
TC Layout Sheets Layout Sheet Tips As a test, printout sheets and look at them on paper Do this early and make sure it is readable on paper, not just the screen If there is a cross street, show the name of the cross street to give a reference point
TC Layout Sheets Layout Sheet Tips If TL2 and TL3 attenuators are being used, need to call these out on the plan If only one type is being used on the full plan, do not need to call these out See Design Scene
Typical Drawings
TC Layout Sheets
TC Layout Sheets
Common TTC Plan Set Issues The following is a list of some of the common issues with TTC plan sets from MnDOT reviewers These are not in any order of importance
Common TTC Plan Set Issues
Common TTC Plan Set Issues
Common TTC Plan Set Issues
Metro Plan Set Examples