Science with NCAR’s G V aircraft during the 21 Aug 2017 total solar eclipse Greatest eclipse 18:25:28 UT
Science experiment: 2-12 micron spectrum of the corona and prominences Unexplored spectrum, unique magnetic diagnostic potential CoMP/ uCoMP/ COSMO ATST 2019, NIRSP instruments Increasing magnetic sensitivity Predicted not observed
Red: 13,000 ft (Mauna Kea, 3.4mm H20) Black: 41,000 ft (Sofia) R=2000
Why use a high altitude aircraft? access to IR 2-12 microns atmosphere more transparent: H2O totality increased x1.4 or so relative motion of lunar and solar disks reduced UV (310 nm) improved seeing (TBD) No “weather”
experiments? Infrared (2-12 micron) eclipse spectrum (corona, prominences) IR imaging in visible and IR coronal lines (Mg VIII, Fe XI,..) polarization? near UV? (Fe XIII 338.872 nm, Fe X 345.396 nm…) Flash spectrum? (chromosphere) Atmospheric chemistry?
collaborations? (red already contacted) S. Habbal, J. Kuhn, H. Lin: U. Hawaii S. Jaeggli, C. Kankelborg: Montana State L. Kleint: Stanford De Luca, Golub et al.:Harvard-Smithsonian CfA M. Penn: NSO J. Pasachoff: Williams …
The end
2-12 micron spectrum of the corona and prominences The need for moderate resolution spectroscopy Require accurate wavelengths relative to telluric absorption