Mechanical Properties of Metals Strength Ductility Hardness Stiffness Toughness Behavior in service: Fatigue Ductile-to-brittle transition
Strength: a standard tensile specimen
Strength: testing machines for tension and bending
Strength: a stress-strain diagram (I field – elastic deformation, II field – plastic deformation, III field – necking)
Strength: geometry of the deformed specimen
Strength: a stress-strain diagram of ductile and brittle metal
Hardness - Rockwell tester - Brinell tester - Vickers tester
Hardness: microhardness indentation of two grains
Toughness: impact pendulum-type testing machine
Toughness: impact test and specimens
Fatigue: fracture surface
Fatigue: reversed stress cycle
Ductile-to-brittle transition