Capturing Sports photography Composing your pictures for optimal results
Assignment Objectives When you finish this activity, you will be able to: Continue to demonstrate the ability to identify photographic compositional elements Apply those elements to photographs that you shoot yourself in a sports context
Dominant Subject 1. One main subject 2. Clean background helps viewer know where to look
Dominant Subject
Rule of Thirds 1. The subject is placed off- center 2. Divide the frame into thirds horizontally and vertically, and place the subject at an intersection
Rule of Thirds
Freezing Action The photographer uses a fast shutter speed to give the effect of stopping motion
Freezing Action
Emotion 1. Catches strong facial expression or body language 2. Timing is vital
Bird’s Eye View Taken from above
Bird’s Eye View
Worm’s Eye View Taken from below
Worm’s Eye View
1. Subject is framed by an element within the picture Framing 1. Subject is framed by an element within the picture 2. Draws interest to the dominant subject
Depth of field Subject or background is emphasized by focus, with blur on distracting elements
Depth of field
Assignment: Sports Photography 1. This is a DOUBLE DAILY GRADE! 2. Over the next week, take sports photos outside of class using each of the following photo composition rules: Dominant subject Rule of thirds Freezing action Emotion Bird’s eye view Worm’s eye view Framing Depth of field 3. See Elkins home page on the website for a complete schedule of games 4. You MAY attend one game and get all your photos from it
Assignment: Sports Photography 5. All of your photos must be taken by YOU 6. I look at ALL pictures - plagiarism will not be tolerated 7. PE classes and practices DO NOT COUNT 8. You must turn in TWO good examples of each type of photo above, labeled properly and put into the correct folder (similar to Spirit Week assignment) 9. Turn in the entire folder to Mr. Nigrelli via Google Drive by the end of class on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27th