Principal: Mrs. Hud-Kirk Assistant Principal: Dr. Lawyer Welcome to the WONDERFUL World of Fountain Elementary School Curriculum Night 2017 \ Principal: Mrs. Hud-Kirk Assistant Principal: Dr. Lawyer
Meet the Fifth Grade Team Ms. Flitcract Ms. Lutes Mrs. Anderson Ms. Tucker
The mission of Clayton County Public Schools is to be accountable to all stakeholders for providing a globally competitive education that empowers students to achieve academic and personal goals and to become college and career ready, productive, responsible citizens.
The vision of Clayton County Public Schools is to be a district of excellence preparing ALL students to live and compete successfully in a global society.
School Expectations School-Wide Discipline Plan (Bear Paw Program) Uniform Policy Attendance Policy (attendance letters) Daily Schedule
Attendance Instructional school day begins at 7:45 a.m. Students should arrive each day on time Doctors note or parent note required for all excused absences Tardies effect achievement Students must be checked out by 1:45 p.m. for early checkout
School-wide Academic Focus SIOP Literacy across the curriculum Numeracy across the curriculum Integration of technology
Math Math problem of the day Mandatory interactive notebooks Mountain Math Fact fluency Math constructed response items Unit 2 – Add/Subtract Decimals Unit 3 – Multiply/Divide Decimals
SCIENCE Mandatory interactive science notebooks Science Fair Unit 2 – Electricity and Magnetism Unit 3 – Constructive and Destructive Forces Claim, Evidence, Reasoning Mandatory interactive science notebooks Science Fair 450 minutes Hands on investigations
Social Studies Unit 1 –Civil War/Reconstruction Unit 2- Building America’s Empire DBQ- Document Based Questions where students have to analyze and organize information to write an argumentative essay. These will be completed after every Unit. Social Studies Fair Mandatory Interactive Notebook Projects (TBD)
Reading READING GOALS- Lexile – 850 + Reading Wonders – weekly stories and skill concepts (2 or more stories weekly and students are asked to compare across texts) Grammar – Daily practice with standard English language and grammar such as parts of speech, punctuation, and sentence structure. Mandatory Interactive Notebook
Assessments Common Assessments Unit Assessments Georgia Milestones Brains
Technology Discuss the technology you utilize in the classroom to enhance instruction Gizmos Edmodo Brainpop Laptops/chrome books
Homework and Grading Policy
Classroom Management Class Dojo 90% Club Monthly Point Clubs
SPECIALS Art Music Physical Education Arts Clayton
Afternoon Dismissal School ends at 2:15 p.m. NO early check-outs after 1:45 p.m.
Field Trips We are looking forward to scheduling field trip opportunities for students this year. These include trips to: Clayton Performing Arts Center (Theatre) Stone Mountain Fernbank Civil Rights Museum These do come at an additional cost to student/parents but we are looking into fundraising and Title 1 funding to offset some of the expenses.
Volunteers We need volunteers for field trips!
THANK YOU… For taking the time to attend Fountain Elementary School’s Curriculum Night! We look forward to working with you to ensure your child achieves academic success!!