Abnormal anterior urethras: voiding cystourethrograms and retrograde urethrograms. Upper left: Voiding cystourethrogram in a 78-year-old man with a history of urethral diverticulum of unknown etiology. 4-cm anterior urethral diverticulum (large arrow) and left vesicoureteral reflux (small arrow). Upper right: Urethral diverticulum in a woman. Large irregular diverticulum (arrow). Voiding cystourethrogram in a 51-year-old woman with voiding difficulties and suspected urethral stricture. Lower left: Ruptured urethra. Extravasation of contrast medium around the membranous urethra (arrows). Retrograde urethrogram in a 16-year-old boy in whom blunt perineal trauma was followed by bloody urethral discharge and inability to void. Lower right: Urethroscrotal fistula. Extravasation (E) into extraurethral tissues from fistula in bulbous urethra (arrow). Retrograde urethrogram in a 26-year-old man after end-to-end urethroplasty for stricture. Source: Chapter 6. Radiology of the Urinary Tract, Smith & Tanagho's General Urology, 18e Citation: McAninch JW, Lue TF. Smith & Tanagho's General Urology, 18e; 2013 Available at: http://accessmedicine.mhmedical.com/DownloadImage.aspx?image=/data/books/mcan18/mcan18_c006f013.png&sec=41088896&BookID=508&ChapterSecID=41088083&imagename= Accessed: December 28, 2017 Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved