MTSS Implementation Checklist for Behavior Wyoming Department of Education
Goals for this Presentation Review the implementation checklist for behavior Discuss the successes and growing pains in using the checklist Learn how to create a targeted and useful action plan for behavior Take a complex system and simplify it so that it is effective
Implementation Checklist Academic and Behavior together provide a true understanding of how a school/district performs within an MTSS system. The checklist is designed to be utilized for each school and/or for the district as a whole. coaching/mtss-district-coaching-project/
Purpose of the Implementation Checklist Self rating and outside rating Identify Strengths and Weaknesses Create Goals and Action Plans
Collecting and Compiling Evidence It is important to collect evidence to confirm the ratings Collecting evidence allows you to develop better supports and programs
Identify Strengths and Weakness Once the checklist is completed, work with MTSS team to identify areas that are good to go and areas that are the weakest Create 3-5 year long goals to focus on based on areas of most need/priority
Action Planning Completing the paperwork and identifying needs and goals and then sitting back and admiring your work is meaningless! Create a simple action plan that lists each month, what will be accomplished in the month, and who is responsible for it.
Contact Information and Webinar Schedule Email: Upcoming Webinars Dec. 6 Screening for Behavior Jan. 19 Tier 1 Preventative Systems for Behavior Feb. 13 Tier 2 Supports and Interventions for Behavior March 10 Tier 3 Functional Behavior Assessment April 19 Progress Monitoring Behavior May 2 Fidelity Checklist Post-Assessment and Action Planning