The Texas Death Chamber INSIDE THE WALLS: The Texas Death Chamber
The Huntsville “Walls” Unit is the oldest prison unit in Texas, opened in 1848. Since 1923, it has been home to the state’s death chamber. The men on Texas death row do not live at the Walls, however – they begin their journey at the Polunsky Unit in Livingston.
The male death row population was moved to the Polunsky Unit in Livingston in 2000. Polunsky is a maximum-security unit.
The area surrounding the death row building (called 12 Building) is fortified with electric fencing, and layer upon layer of razor wire.
A typical pod on Texas death row
The men on Texas death row spend 23 hours a day in their cell, with one hour of solitary recreation.
On the day of an execution, inmates spend the morning visiting with family and friends – they are given four hours before they are transported to Huntsville.
Once they arrive at the Walls, they are driven directly to the Death House, where they will be strip-searched, finger-printed and given a fresh set of clothing.
The entrance to the death house.
After a visit from the warden, they will spend the rest of their afternoon in a holding cell near the death chamber. There, they will visit with the chaplain, may make phone calls and at 4 p.m., will have their final meal.
Executions in Texas can begin ‘any time after 6 p. m Executions in Texas can begin ‘any time after 6 p.m.’ Once unit officials receive official word from the Governor’s Office and Attorney General’s Office that there are no appeals pending, the execution may proceed.
The inmate is escorted from the holding cell, and strapped to the gurney. A team is brought in to establish the IV lines.
The witnesses are then brought in The witnesses are then brought in. Five witnesses representing the victims and five witnesses representing the inmates may view the execution in separate but adjacent rooms. Five members of the media also may attend.
The inmate is given an opportunity to make a last statement via a microphone extending from the ceiling, resting just above his head.
The warden then gives a signal and the IV team begins administering the drugs from behind a one-way mirror. The executioners are never seen.
Following the execution, the witnesses are escorted out of the building, and a local funeral home picks up the body. The family may claim it for burial, or he will be buried by the State in the nearby prison cemetery.