Patrick SK. Liu Shiu Cheong Relationship of right heart echo parameters to functional status and pulmonary function in severe COPD Patrick SK. Liu Shiu Cheong Brian J. Lipworth Andrew R. Goudie Pippa J. Hopkinson Philip M. Short Allan D. Struthers
COPD & Pulmonary circulation COPD affects the pulmonary circulation. This diagram summarises these effects on the pulmonary circulation. Eventually COPD causes changes in the cardiac structure and the cardiac function in the presence or absence of pulmonary hypertension. Minai et al. Chest 2010;137(6)(Suppl):39S-51S
What we already know In COPD-associated PH, invasively measured PAP is independently associated with reduced exercise function in patients with severe COPD1 Most patients with advanced COPD do not typically undergo right heart catheterisation unless clinically indicated (for e.g. patients awaiting lung transplantation) Sims et al. Chest 2009;136: 412-419
Echocardiography Echocardiography remains the most widely used non-invasive diagnostic tool for the assessment of PH due to lung diseases and/or hypoxia (group 3). Doppler echo Right Ventricular Systolic Pressure (RVSP) RVSP = 4 x (TR Vmax)2 + RA pressure in mm Hg Mean Pulmonary artery pressure (MPAP) MPAP = 90 – (0.62 x acceleration time) in mm Hg2 Pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) PVR = ([TR Vmax (m/s) / RVOTVTI (cm)] x 10 + 0.16) in Woods Units3 2015 ESC/ERS guidelines published a few months ago have recommended that echo should always be performed when PH is suspected. The development of Doppler echo has had significantly impact on clinical medicine. We have been able to determine intracardiac haemodynamics non-invasively. For example, we can estimate PAP and PVR by studying TR jets and pulmonary flow-velocity waves. Difficulties to measure RVSP in COPD. Dabestani et al. Am J Cardio 1987;59:662-668 Abbas et al. JACC 2003;41(6):1021-7
Pulsed-wave Doppler Echo at pulmonary valve This is an example of a pulsed-wave doppler echo trace taken at the pulmonary valve. We can make 3 measurements on this. Pulmonary acceleration time – which is measured from the onset of ejection (TV0) to the time of peak flow velocity (TPV) Right Ventricular ejection time – which is measured from the onset to the end of systolic flow velocity recording. Right Ventricular Outflow Tract velocity-time intergral – this is the area under the curve of the spectral trace and this can be calculated by the echo machine
Aims To investigate whether measurements made by simple, non-invasive and easily accessible echo are related to quality of life and health status and to pulmonary function in patients with moderate to severe COPD
Methods Post-hoc analysis from database of patients with COPD and PH (Goudie et al. Lancet RM 2014 ) who have had Echocardiogram Pulmonary function (spirometry, DLCO) Functional status (SGRQ, SF-36, 6MWT) Excluded: LV systolic dysfunction (LVEF < 45%)
Patient Characteristics No of patients 120 Men 82 (68%) Mean Age 69 ± 8 Mean BMI 26 ± 5 Mean Sa02 95 ± 3 Mean FEV1 % 41 ± 15 Mean FEV1/FVC 0.38 ± 0.09 Mean FVC % 84.7 ± 20.8 Mean Adj. DLCO % 37.9 ± 13.9 Mild decreased SaO2 at rest. Severe obstructive spirometric values. Impaired DLCO suggesting evidence of component of emphysema.
Patient Characteristics – Key Echo parameters Pulmonary Acceleration Time (PAT in ms) 97 ± 11 MPAP = 30 ± 7 mm Hg Normal PAT ≥ 105ms (= 25 mm Hg) Right Ventricular Ejection Time (RVET in ms) 272 ± 42 Normal values: 322 ± 21 PVR 2.0 ± 0.7 Wood Units Normal: PVR < 2 TR Vmax 2.75 ± 0.41 Normal TR Vmax < 2.80 ms-1 Normal values of RVET obtained from Tei et al. paper (Doppler Echocardiographic Index for assessment of global right ventricular function. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 1996) They studied 26 patients with primary pulmonary hypertension and 37 age-matched normal subjects. Ejection time shortened significantly in patients with pulmonary hypertension (241 ± 43 ms) vs normal (322 ± 21 ms), p < 0.001 RV systolic dysfunction shortened ejection time. Ejection time shortened in patients with pulmonary hypertension. It is also shortened with increasing heart rate. Other contributing factors: Elevation of pulmonary vascular impedance Decreased RV filling and decreased stroke volume
Echo parameters: correlations 1 Variable r p Value RVET SGRQ -0.19 0.02 SF-36: General health perceptions 0.18 SF-36: Limitations due to physical problems 0.17 0.03 SF-36: Social functioning 0.16 SF-36: Physical function 0.04 6MWD NS FEV1 % 0.31 < 0.001 FVC % 0.36 FEV1/FVC Adj DLCO % 0.28 0.001 When looking at the relationship of right echo parameters and pulmonary haemodynamic measurements with function status and pulmonary function results. We found statistically significant but not strong correlation between RV ejection time with functional status (including SGRQ, SF-36 scores) and between RVET with pulmonary function measurements (FVC %, FEV1 %, Adj DLCO % and FEV1/FVC). RVET correlated with Impact score of SGRQ (r = -0..20, p = 0.03)
Echo parameters: correlations 2 Variable r p Value PAT Adj DLCO % 0.19 0.04 PVR 6MWD -0.36 0.008 FVC % -0.30 0.03 Adj. DLCO % -0.39 0.006 RVSP -0.31 0.05 For PVR, it was similar. There are statistically significant but weak correlation with functional status and pulmonary function. PVR 2.0 ± 0.7 Wood Units Normal: PVR < 0.2 TR Vmax 2.75 ± 0.41 Normal TR Vmax < 2.80 ms-1 After estimating the pulmonary vascular resistance using the equation from the Abbas paper, we found that there were significant correlation between PVR and 6MWD, BODE index, FVC % and Adj. DLCO % BODE Index: Body mass index, airflow Obstruction (FEV1 %), Dyspnoea (MMRC Dyspnoea scale), Exercise (6MWD)
Pulmonary Acceleration Time (PAT & RVET measured in 99% of patients) PAT < 100 ms PAT ≥ 100 ms p Value n 68 51 Mean SGRQ 59.3 (14.9) 52.1 (15.8) 0.01 Mean RVET (ms) 262 (41.9) 286 (38.43) 0.001 When stratifying patients into 2 groups: PAT of 100 ms = mean PAP of 28 mm Hg We also found a statistically significant difference in mean SGRQ score and mean RVET. SGRQ – statistically significant difference in the activity and impact scores for SGRQ The threshold for a clinically significant difference between groups of patients and for changes within groups of patients is four unit.
Dynamic lung volumes & functional status: correlations 1 Pulmonary function Functional status r p Value FEV1 % SGRQ -0.28 0.001 SF-36: limitations due to physical problems 0.33 < 0.001 SF-36: physical function 0.40 < 0.001 SF-36: social function 0.30 SF-36: general health perceptions 0.39 FVC % 0.25 0.003 0.20 0.02 SF-36: general health perception 0.16 0.04 Moving away from Doppler echo measurement, we found statistically significant correlation between dynamic lung volumes and functional status. This is nothing new and has been showed in previous studies. As expected, pulmonary function showed significant correlation with quality of life questionnaires (SGRQ and SF-36).
Dynamic lung volumes & functional status: correlations 2 Pulmonary function Functional status r p Value FEV1/FVC SGRQ -0.25 0.003 SF-36: limitations due to physical problems 0.34 < 0.001 SF-36: physical functioning 0.32 SF-36: social functioning 0.25 SF-36: general health perceptions 0.38 Adj DLCO % -0.33 0.001 0.42 0.35 SF-36: emotional well-being 0.26 0.002 SF-36: emotional role limitations 0.24 0.004 6MWD 0.20 0.03 We also found statistically significant correlation between degree of obstruction (FEV1/FVC ratio) and functional status, and between transfer factor and functional status.
GOLD 2 vs GOLD 4 GOLD 2 GOLD 4 Difference p Value n 30 (25%) 31 (26%) Mean RVET 279 ± 40 242 ± 39 38 0.001 Mean SF-36 scores for Physical functioning 38.83 ± 21.88 19.48 ± 19.95 19.35 < 0.001 Limitations due to physical problems 34.17 ± 37.42 9.48 ± 23.54 26.68 0.009 Social functioning 73.33 ± 29.50 50.86 ± 28.92 22.47 0.01 General health perceptions 40.33 ± 22.01 24.66 ± 11.80 15.68 When dividing the patients in groups according to GOLD criteria, we have found significant differences in the mean RVET and mean SF36 scores between GOLD 2 and GOLD 4 groups. This is expected and validate our database.
Summary Significant but weak correlation between right heart echo parameters and functional status and between right heart echo parameters and pulmonary function The correlation between pulmonary function and functional status was equally significant and weak. Using Pulmonary acceleration time of 100 ms may help to predict which patients would have worse functional status (SGRQ score) As expected, patients in GOLD 4 have worse functional impairment than those in GOLD 2.
Limitations Relatively small cohort Resting echo – i.e. not stress echo or exercise No serial data over months or years No data on exacerbations or mortality No assessment of O2 reversibility Reliance on resting echo to predict functional status or exercise tolerance may limit our findings. Isolated exercise induced PH is common in COPD. Presence of isolated exercise induced PH was a predictor of developing resting PH in the 6-year follow up.
Conclusion Weak correlations in our cohort Echo – simple, non-invasive and easily accessible test Different population Serial data
Acknowledgement Professor Brian Lipworth Professor Allan Struthers Dr Andrew Goudie Dr Arvind Manoharan Dr Philip Short Mrs Pippa Hopkinson
GOLD criteria GOLD 2 GOLD 3 GOLD 4 n 30 (25%) 59 (49%) 31 (26%) Mean RVET 279 ± 40 283 ± 37 242 ± 39 Mean PAT 94 ± 12 100 ± 12 96 ± 10 6MWD 340 ± 105 334 ± 121 366 ± 85 SGRQ 50.14 ± 17.32 56.80 ± 16.38 59.48 ± 12.86 Mean SF-36 scores for Physical functioning 38.83 ± 21.88 26.19 ± 19.08 19.48 ± 19.95 Limitations due to physical problems 34.17 ± 37.42 18.22 ± 31.77 9.48 ± 23.54 Social functioning 73.33 ± 29.50 59.32 ± 30.14 50.86 ± 28.92 General health perceptions 40.33 ± 22.01 28.39 ± 14.90 24.66 ± 11.80 When dividing the patients in groups according to GOLD criteria, we have found significant differences in the mean RVET and mean SF36 scores between GOLD 2 and GOLD 4 groups. This is expected and validate our database.
Continuous-wave Doppler Echo for TR RV systolic pressure in mm Hg = (4 x v2) + RA pressure This is an example of a continuous-wave doppler trace that we get with TR. We use the tricuspid regurgitation jet maximum velocity (red arrow) to measure the pressure gradient between the right ventricle and right atrium. Using the simplified Bernoulli equation and adding the right atrial pressure, we can calculate the RV systolic pressure, which equals the systolic pulmonary artery pressure (in absence of a gradient across the pulmonary valve). RA pressure is estimated by IVC diameter and presence of inspiratory collapse
Echo views for measurement of the TR jet Echo views for measurement of the TR jet. Ensure that TR jet is parallel to the U/S beam.
Echo views for measurement of the pulmonary acceleration time.
Mean PAP = 90 – (0.62 x acceleration time) in mm Hg 39 patients had right heart catheterisation and pulsed doppler echo Negative correlation with mean PAP r = -0.87, p < 0.001
PVR = ([TR Vmax (m/s) / RVOTVTI (cm)] x 10 + 0.16) in Woods Units 44 patients had doppler measurements and invasive measurements (pulmonary artery catheter) r = 0.93, p < 0.0001 We can calculate the PVR by using the equation from Abbas et al. study which had a statistically significant Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.9 when Doppler measurements were analysed with invasive pulmonary artery catheterisation measurements. PVR can be calculated by dividing the pressure difference across the pulmonary circuit by the transpulmonary flow. By using the peak tricuspid regurgitation velocity as a surrogate for pressure and the VTI of the right ventricular outflow tract as a surrogate of flow, PVR can be estimated from the equation as described from Abbas et al. study.
Calculating SPAP / RVSP Simplified Bernoulli equation: RVSP = 4v2 + RA pressure in mm Hg where v = TR Vmax, RA pressure is estimated by IVC diameter and presence of inspiratory collapse We use the tricuspid regurgitation jet maximum velocity (red arrow) to measure the pressure gradient between the right ventricle and right atrium. Using the simplified Bernoulli equation and adding the right atrial pressure, we can calculate the RV systolic pressure, which equals the systolic pulmonary artery pressure (in absence of a gradient across the pulmonary valve). RA pressure is estimated by IVC diameter and presence of inspiratory collapse
Other Echo Measurements Abnormal range % of patients RVD1 (Basal RV diameter) > 4.2 cm 1.4% RVD2 (Mid RV diameter) > 3.5 cm 12.7% RVD3 (Base to apex length) > 8.6 cm RVH RV wall > 5 mm 78% LVIDd 1% LVIDd > 5.3 cm in female LVIDd > 5.9 cm in male