God’s Program For Remaining Saved


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Presentation transcript:

God’s Program For Remaining Saved 2 Pet. 1:5-11

God’s Program For Remaining Saved 2 Pet. 1:5-11 Having escaped from the corruption that is in the world by lust… WHAT DO I DO NOW?

Adding On Your Part… “All Diligence” - Make Every Effort “In Your Faith, Supply Virtue” – Excellence

Adding On Your Part… “All Diligence” - Make Every Effort “In Your Faith, Supply Virtue” – Excellence Knowledge – Keep Learning Christ

Adding On Your Part… “All Diligence” - Make Every Effort “In Your Faith, Supply Virtue” – Excellence Knowledge – Keep Learning Christ Self- Control – Appetites in Check

Adding On Your Part… “All Diligence” - Make Every Effort “In Your Faith, Supply Virtue” – Excellence Knowledge – Keep Learning Christ Self- Control – Appetites in Check Patience – Keeping On

Adding On Your Part… “All Diligence” - Make Every Effort “In Your Faith, Supply Virtue” – Excellence Knowledge – Keep Learning Christ Self- Control – Appetites in Check Patience – Keeping On Godliness – Piety toward God

Adding On Your Part… “All Diligence” - Make Every Effort “In Your Faith, Supply Virtue” – Excellence Knowledge – Keep Learning Christ Self- Control – Appetites in Check Patience – Keeping On Godliness – Piety toward God Brotherly Kindness – Loving as Brethren

Adding On Your Part… “All Diligence” - Make Every Effort “In Your Faith, Supply Virtue” – Excellence Knowledge – Keep Learning Christ Self- Control – Appetites in Check Patience – Keeping On Godliness – Piety toward God Brotherly Kindness – Loving as Brethren Love - seeking the well being of all…

Review of the Program You are Busy and Fruitful in Knowing the Lord (2 Pet. 1:8)

Review of the Program You are Busy and Fruitful in Knowing the Lord (2 Pet. 1:8) You are Making Your Calling And Election Sure (2 Pet. 1:10)

Review of the Program You are Busy and Fruitful in Knowing the Lord (2 Pet. 1:8) You are Making Your Calling And Election Sure (2 Pet. 1:10) What about the Christian who does not Follow God’s Program…Near sighted and memory gone (2 Pet. 1:9)

Review of the Program You are Busy and Fruitful in Knowing the Lord (2 Pet. 1:8) You are Making Your Calling And Election Sure (2 Pet. 1:10) What about the Christian who does not Follow God’s Program…Near sighted and memory gone (2 Pet. 1:9) You have an abundant entrance into Heaven waiting for you (2 Pet. 1:11)