Year 12 Geography Topic #1: Urban Places
TOKYO Population (June 1, 2006) - Population12,678,395 Density5796 /km²
MUMBAI Population (June 1, 2006) - Population12,678,395 Density5796 /km²
NEW YORK CITY Population - City (2004)8,104,079 - Density10,316/km² (26,720/sq mi)
SHANGHAI Population (2004):17,420,000 (25th)
MEXICO CITY Population 17,844,829 (Greater Mexico City)
SAO PAOLO Population - City (2006)11,016,703 - Density7,233/km² - Metro19,403,480
World Cities
WORLD CITIES Mega-city: a very large urban agglomeration of at least 8 million inhabitants World city: a city that has global and national significance. That is, centres of global economic and cultural authority.
World Cities ‘World cities’ are a highly competitive, global network of cities Major centres of transnational corporations (TNC’s) Where the most important financial and corporate institutions are located and where decisions that ‘drive’ the global economy are made.
There are growing disparities between mega-cities and world cities: - dominance v dependence - advantage v marginalisation Mega-cities: urbanisation without industrialisation or globalisation to the extent of world cities.
The cultural geography of the world has been transformed by the process of urbanisation. Two centuries ago: less than 5% of the world’s population lived in towns and cities Today: it is over 50% 2025: expected to be greater than 60%
Megalopolises Separate cities linked as urban sprawl engulfs the landscape e.g. Tokyo-Yokohama
Globalisation’s Impact on Large Urban Centres Dependence Mega-cities Dominance World cities Dynamics Outcomes
Activities Skills work: Interpreting Photographs ..\Skills Folder\TOPOGRAPHIC MAPPING SKILLS photographs.ppt