Igneous Rocks and Human Life PELATNAS INTERNATIONAL EARTH SCIENCE OLYMPICS (IESO) 2010 Igneous Rocks and Human Life Dr. Lucas Donny Setijadji Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta, 02 November 2009
Impacts of Igneous Rocks to Human Life Geohazards: Volcanic hazards Economic benefits
Volcanic Hazards Pyroclastic flow Ash fall Sector collapse Lahar Lava Gas Tsunami
Block and ash flow deposits or hot avalanche deposits: produced by collapse of lava dome Merapi, 14 May 2006
Unzen Volcano Kyushu Island, Japan
Lava flow, Miyakejima, Japan
Impacts of SO2 Gas in 2000’s Eruption Miyakejima, Japan Impacts of SO2 Gas in 2000’s Eruption
Volcano Explosivity Index (Smithsonian Institutions)
Largest Volcanic Eruptions as known from distribution of deep-sea tephra 36,000 casualties 92,000 casualties
Economic Benefits Building stones Geothermal energy Metallic deposits Industrial minerals Agriculture Tourism
Rocks make Earth's Treasures Man changes rocks in many ways. Look for ways that rocks are used.
Mineralization associated with tectonic settings
Sistem hidrotermal-magmatik
Metallic Mineral (Ore) Deposits Classification of ore deposits associated with arc magmatism (Corbett and Leach, 1998)
Mineralized Cenozoic magmatic arcs (Carlile and Mitchell, 1994)
Indonesian Metallic (Cu-Au) Mineral Deposits (Modified from Carlile and Mitchell, 1994)
Metallic Deposits in Sumatra Crow and van Leeuwen (2005)
Batu Hijau Cu-Au Mine, Sumbawa
Java Island : Geology and Earth Resources Trench Depth contour of subducted slab (km)
Dieng geothermal area
Geo-Tourism Ata Caldera, Japan: Bathing on Magma-heated Sand!!!
Ciater, West Java