Welcome to Science with Mrs. Keyfel! This is my 17th year of teaching. I taught 5 years of Computers at Phoenix Elementary and 8 years of high school science in Rancho Cordova before moving to Sutter MS. This is my 4th year at Sutter. My one child, Jayden, is a freshman at Folsom High. Mrs. Keyfel nkeyfel@fcusd.org
8/30 Bell work What units do we use for mass? Physical Science 8/30 Bell work What is mass? What units do we use for mass? Is mass different from weight? Why or why not? Agenda Density Learning Target I can calculate the density of a substance and determine whether it will sink or float. Mass is the measure of how much matter is in an object. Homework & Important Dates Book Notes and Vocab Due 8/31 Measurement Data due 9/1 Unit 1 Test – 9/7 The unit of mass is the gram. Mass is different to weight because mass is the amount of matter in an object and weight is the force of gravity on an object.
Web Page Resources https://www.fcusd.org/Domain/2240
Grading A weighted grading scale will be used for this course. Agenda /Bell Work 10% Assignments 50% Quizzes and Tests 40%
Every Week (or almost) Friday – receive vocabulary and book notes for next week Monday – Notes Tuesday – Wednesday – activities Thursday – Book Notes and Vocabulary are due Review and re-teach. Friday – Turn in Weekly Assignments, take Quiz and begin vocabulary and book notes for next week
Quiz vs. Test A quiz is based on the week we have just completed. There are 20 questions – Vocab, content and a selection from a worksheet or lab that we did that week. Any absent student that has not made up a quiz by ‘Thursday Review’ will make it up during the review in an alternate classroom.
Quiz vs. Test A test is on all the work for the entire unit. The students are permitted to create a 3”x5” flash card of notes to use on the test. They may handwrite on both sides, or type (12pt. font min) on one side. Our first Unit test is Sept. 7th! Extra credit is posted online one week before the test.
Absences and Late Work If your child is absent work may be entered in as a zero until it is received. It will receive full credit as long as it is tuned in promptly. Your student should use the web site resources. When assignments are turned into the late tray they may not get graded immediately. I will grade on-time assignments first.
Donation Request We are in need of Kleenex & Hand sanitizer please