An Overview of English and American Literature
What is English literature? American literature?
Periods of English Literature (Norton Anthology Periodization) The Middle Ages ( -1485) The Sixteenth Century (1485-1603) The Seventeenth Century (1603-1660) The Restoration and the Eighteenth Century (1660-1798) The Romantic Period (1798-1832) The Victorian Age (1832-1901) The Twentieth Century (1901-present) 1914-1945 : The Modern Period 1945- : Postmodern Period
Before the Middle Ages ( -1485) The Roman Period (43 A.D. – 410) 56 BC: Caesar visited Britain. 40 AD: Roman colony founded. 410: Last Roman legion withdrawn from England.
The Middle Ages ( -1485) The Anglo-Saxon Period (450-1066) ca. 450: Anglo-Saxon Conquest. 597: Christianity introduced to England by St. Augustine.. 1066: England conquered by the Normans.
The Middle Ages ( -1485) The Norman-French Period (1066-1340) ca. 1200: Beginnings of Middle English literature. 1095: The First Crusade begins.
The Middle Ages ( -1485) The Late Middle Ages (1340-1485) 1387: Geoffrey Chaucer begins to write The Canterbury Tales. 1474: First book in English printed by Caxton.
The Sixteenth Century (1485-1603) 1485: Henry VII starts the Tudor sovereigns. 1509: Henry VIII becomes king. 1558: Elizabeth I becomes queen. 1576: The Theatre built. 1588: Spanish Armada defeated. 1603: Elizabeth I dies.
The Seventeenth Century (1603-1660) 1603: James I starts the Stuart line. 1620: Plymouth colony founded. 1641: Civil War breaks out. All theatres closed. 1649: Charles I executed; The commonwealth established. 1660: Charles II restored to throne.
The Restoration and Eighteenth Century (1660-1798) 1660: Charles II restored to throne. 1668: The Glorious Revolution. 1776: The American colonies united for freedom. 1789: The French Revolution begin.
The Romantic Period (1798-1832) 1798: Lyrical Ballads published. 1842: The Reform Bill carried in Parliament.
The Victorian Age (1832-1901) 1837: Victoria becomes queen. 1851: The Great Exhibition in London. 1859: Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species published. 1901: Queen Victoria dies.
The Twentieth Century (1901- ) Modern Period (1914-1945) 1914-18: World War I. 1922: T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land; James Joyce’s Ulysses. 1930: Period of depression begins. 1939-45: World War II breaks out.
The Twentieth Century (1901- ) Postmodern Period (1945- )
Periods of American Literature (Norton Anthology Periodization) Early American Literature 1620-1820 American Literature 1820-1865 American Literature 1865-1914 American Literature between the Wars 1914-1945 American Literature Since 1945
Early American Literature 1620-1820 1492: Columbus arrives at one of the Bahamas Islands. 1620: Mayflower Compact signed. 1776: Declaration of Independence.
American Literature 1820-1865 1831: Nat Turner’s revolt. 1838-39: The Trail of Tears. 1849: California Gold Rush begins. 1861-65: American Civil War.
American Literature 1865-1914 1867: Reconstruction Acts. 1871: Great Chicago Fire.
American Literature between the Wars 1910-1945 1917: U.S. enters World War I. 1929: Great Depression begins. 1941: U.S. enters World War II.
American Literature Since 1945 1950: McCarthyism begins. 1961: Vietnam War begins. 1968: Martin Luther King Jr. assassinated. 1975: Vietnam War ends.