Helmholtz Resonators
Bottle Band
More examples: Whistling Jar Pre-Columbian Whistling Jar Basic Principle of Operation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qo6B79uLf3g (brief description of construction and cultural usage) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhQM6wMIt_A (1 min demo of natural sounds) Image from: http://www.prices4antiques.com/ Image from: http://www.mountainsocarina.com/lessons/lesson02-a7b.html
Yet more examples: The Ocarina Ocarinas Basic Principle of Operation http://www.biophysics.uwa.edu.au/turbulence/animations/Miko_1.gif
Spring Mass System in Disguise Air plug in neck “bobs” in a big sea of air molecules
Resonant Frequency vsound velocity of sound waves in air L length of plug of air in neck S neck cross-section V chamber volume of air
Assumptions…you know what they say Which variable(s) is changing among these Coke bottles? How do these Coke bottles compare to the simple physics model? How would you determine S, L, and V?
Lab Experiment Tune bottles Compare actual frequency to theory Do better than these guys!
Resources Univ of New South Wales Acoustical Physics group: http://newt.phys.unsw.edu.au/jw/Helmholtz.html Eric Heller’s “Why you hear what you hear” chapter 13: http://www.whyyouhearwhatyouhear.com/subpages/chapter13.html Mountain Ocarinas: http://www.mountainsocarina.com/lessons/lesson02-a7b.html The Bottle Boys website: http://www.thebottleboys.com