European Exploration of North America Unit Table of Contents Explorers Unit “I Can” Targets Explorers Unit Vocabulary Explorers Unit Study Guide (to be completed as we learn the material) USI4c-Exploration of West Africa Lesson (includes curriculum notes, activities, additional papers, and graded 10% activities) Exploration of West Africa Quiz USI4a(part1) -Motivations, Obstacles, and Accomplishments Lesson (includes curriculum notes, activities, additional papers, and graded 10% activities) Motivations, Obstacles, and Accomplishments Quiz USI4a(part2) – Europeans Explore North America Lesson (includes curriculum notes, activities, additional papers, and graded 10% activities) Europeans Explore North America Quiz USI4b – Cultural Interactions Lesson (includes curriculum notes, activities, additional papers, and graded 10% activities) Cultural Interactions Quiz Explorers Unit Review
Social Studies-European Exploration of North America “I Can” Targets Obj. Learning Target I can not Assessment Grade European Exploration of West Africa USI4c I can find the following locations on a map of West Africa: Ancient Kingdom of Ghana Ancient Kingdom of Mali Ancient Kingdom of Songhai Niger River Sahara Desert I can explain how the three ancient empires of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai became powerful. I can list the chronological order of when the three ancient kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai dominated West Africa. I can recall what items the Portuguese brought to trade with the West African empires. I can recall the major good that the Portuguese wanted from the West African empires. Motivations, Obstacles and Accomplishments USI4a Pt. 1 I can give examples of each of the following motivating factors of European exploration of North America. Economic Religious Cultural I can give four examples of obstacles encountered by European explorers of North America. I can give three examples of accomplishments of European exploration of North America.
Social Studies-European Exploration of North America “I Can” Targets Obj. Learning Target I can not Assessment Grade European Exploration of North America USI4a Pt. 2 I can identify the following countries on a map of Europe: Spain France England Portugal I can identify the exploration routes of the following European explorers on a world map: John Cabot Samuel de Champlain Robert LaSalle Francisco Coronado Portuguese Sailors I can describe the location where each of the following European explorers traveled: I can identify the European country from where each of the following people explored: Cultural Interactions USI4b I can give four specific examples of how the Spanish interacted with American Indians while in North America. I can give two specific examples of how the French interacted with American Indians while in North America. I can give three specific examples of how the English interacted with American Indians while in North America. I can give two specific examples of how American Indians interacted with Europeans while in North America. I can describe three areas of economic cooperation between American Indians and Europeans. I can describe five areas of conflict between American Indians and Europeans.