Welcome to the ABC Bakers webinar on Creating a Recognition Order within Smart Cookies. Abcsmartcookies.com is the business center website for all girls and volunteers to manage and monitor their accounts throughout the cookie season.
Smart Cookies – Creating a Recognition Order The recognition program provides an incentive for the Girls to reach their set goal. The Troops should create their recognition orders once the Girls have been credited for all packages sold. Log onto www.abcsmartcookies.com to get started.
www.abcsmartcookies.com Hover over the Recognitions tab and click on Create Recognition Order Click on Enter Troop number and add troop number if needed, hit enter Select Plan Type Click Create Order Once the Order has been created, the Girls names in that troop will appear The items listed at the top: Troop number How many girls are registered in the Troop How many girls are selling in the Troop Total amount of packages sold to the Girls thus far Avg PGA Registered Girls Avg PGA Selling Girls The names of the girls will be listed in either Blue or Red. Names in blue do not need to be reviewed. Names in red need to be reviewed. To Review all Girls at once: Click the Review button at the bottom of the order and all the girls orders will be reviewed and girls whose orders are complete will then be shown in blue To Review each Girl individually: If a girl’s name is in red, click on her name and scroll through her order. Choices may need to be made or sizes selected. Once all names are in blue, click Save and Exit to complete the review
Managing the Recognition Orders throughout the Sale Troops should create their recognition orders once the Girls have been credited for all packages sold The Manage Recognition Order provides the following information: District (if applicable) Service Unit Troop number Recognition Order Type – Main Order Date Order Number Status – “R” to Review the Order, “U” for Uncommitted and no need for review at that time. Pencil Icon for editing the order Trash can for deleting the order Order can be exported into a spreadsheet When there is an “R” (Review) in the Status column, the Order needs reviewing Click the pencil icon and the Recognition Order will appear. The names of the girls will be listed in either Blue or Red. Names in red need to be reviewed. To Review : Click on the individual girls name in red and verify their order Once all names have been reviewed, click Save and Exit to complete the review
Committing the Recognition Order at End of Sale At the End of the Sale, the Main Recognition Order needs to be committed for Council review. Prior to committing the order, the following items will need to be completed: All Transfers have been conducted between Troop and Girls All orders have been reviewed Once all the steps have been done, click on the Check icon located to the far right of the order The Confirm Commit message (as shown on the left) will appear: “You are about to commit order 145”. Click Yes. Once you Commit the order, the status will change from U to C and your order will be submitted to the Council. Once committed, only the Service Unit Cookie Chair or Council can make any changes. If there is a “U” in the status, the order has been saved and can be edited. If there is a “R” in the status, the order needs reviewing. If there is a “T” in the status, the order has been committed.
This concludes the PowerPoint tutorial on Smart Cookies – How to Create a Recognition Order. If more information is needed, please contact your Service Unit Manager or Council. Thank you