The Christmas Tree! A secularized symbol that has Christian roots. Chapter 11 The Christmas Tree! A secularized symbol that has Christian roots.
Chapter 11 -Romans celebrated Saturnalia (the feast of the winter solstice) by decorating their homes with evergreens. - Evergreens for the Romans and the Egyptians represented eternal life.
Chapter 11 St. Boniface used the shape of the Christmas tree to teach about the Holy Trinity 1510 the first documented Christmas tree came from Latvia. Queen Victoria made popular the trend of owning a tree
Chapter 11 Ornaments present the perfect opportunity to retell stories and share memories from the past!
Chapter 12 -Family is at the center of it all! The Holy Family is like most families…they each have a role, they are banded together. What a gift for God to become human in the most human of ways…in a family!
Chapter 12 -John Paul II reflects on the importance of family (Page 60). “…the birth of the Lord gladdens us; the mystery of the Holy Family gladdens it.”
Chapter 13 Among the “Christmas rush” find time to rush to Mass. To connect to the birth of Christ at mass, to feel His real presence at mass…it is like being enveloped in love! God became a baby…God lived a humble life…for you!
Chapter 13 Page 68 talks about Jesus’ birth as an act of humility. Think of Pope Francis who insists we wash one another’s feet. Serve others. Be humble. Start this journey of humility at mass! It is urgent! Go to reconciliation. There is no more humble a place. Reconciliation allows us to recognize our own flaws and allow ourselves to be loved despite those flaws. This is true humility.
Chapter 14 -Symbols of Christmas! - Holly is a symbol of good fortune. Red berries remind us of Jesus’ drops of blood. - Poinsettias have red leaves originally used for the Aztecs to worship their gods. Tradition states a young girl in Mexico had no money to being to a crèche. She brought instead weeds, which miraculously turned into beautiful red blooms.
Chapter 14 - Candy Canes were invented by a choirmaster in Cologne, Germany. Used to keep children quiet. He shaped them into shepherd staffs so as to keep with the atmosphere of church. - Christmas Cards started in 1843 with Henry Cole. Louis Prang popularized the sending of cards in America.
Chapter 14 - Mistletoe is associated with a kiss! It’s story begins before the time of Jesus when people used mistletoe to ward of evil spirits over their babies’ cribs. Mistletoe would grow during frigid temperatures, and so Christians started using mistletoe as a part of their faith! (God’s love grows even when the ground is barren)…Mistletoe became a symbol of Love.
Chapter 15 What should I do for Christ? Live as a witness! Bring others to Christ through your words and deeds. Allow yourself to be transformed and have a deeper conversion Grow your relationships.
Chapter 16 Gather with family and friends…even if you have to go through the motions…be there. Be present. Allow family bonds to be strengthened!
Chapter 17 BE JOYFUL! You do not have to be perfect…someone already was. You do not have to control everything…someone already does. Enter into the light even if it reveals your flaws…someone has loved you flaws and all.