The Sign Of Four Takeaway Homework Menu Please choose one task to complete over this half term break DUE: Monday 6th June (Failure to complete will result in an E grade for effort)
Starters Throughout the novel you will be provided with clues to the mystery. Create a log book and, in no more than 100 words for each entry, record the key evidence provided in every chapter you have read so far. Try to make the book look authentic. In chapter 7, Conan Doyle uses a great number of place names. Get a map of London and the surounding areas and mark all the locations mentioned in the novel. You could for example use pins or flags. Create a key with the chapter reference and place name.
Mains Write an opinion piece for a newspaper with the headline: ‘Sherlock Holmes: Hero or Rogue? in which you explain whether you believe that the positive aspects of Sherlock Holmes’ personality outweigh the bad. Don’t forget to use quotations from the text and techniques to persuade (CRAPFOREST). You could perhaps include quotations from other characters, either real or made up to support your argument. Your article should also be presented to look like a newspaper article. Imagine you have been asked to create a profile of Watson for a dating website. Write his profile. Then do the same for Sherlock, Mary and Thaddeus. Create a visual image to represent the two very different personalities of Thaddeus and Bartholomew Sholto including their very different reactions to the treature. Turn a chapter of your choice into a graphic novel or comic strip.
Desserts Create a model of one of the settings of the novel. Choose from Sherlock’s room, Thaddeus’ apartment or Bartholomew’s room in Pondecherry Lodge. You could use a cardboard box with its top and front removed. Imagine you are a casting director and you have been asked to cast an actor for the role of Holmes, Watson, Morstan, Thaddeus Sholto or Athelney Jones. Write a casting brief for the role explaining: what the character looks like, what qualities the actor will need, the character’s importance to the novel. Thaddeus Sholto’s characteristics are shared with followers of the Aesthetic Movement. Research the movement and create a presentation/illustration or labelled diagram about it to show how Thaddeus conforms to this ideal. You could for example, compare the description of his apartment (chapter 4) with illustrations of rooms furnished in the style of the Aesthetic Movement. Use quotations from the text to support your argument.
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