Education in Somalia
Who provides education? Community Education Committees Regional Administrations Community-based organizations NGO’s Religious groups Governmental organizations-participation is increasing
State of Education Today 42% of chilren are in school More boys than girls attend school 15% of teachers are women Most teachers are not trained and qualified 1 teacher for every 33 students Less than 38% of students get to 5th grade
Priority Issues The government has not been known to play a big role in education. The Community Education Committees have done the most for education in the past Teachers are not trained or paid well and when trainin is done it is through NGO’s and UNICEF instead of the government Children are recruited for the military out of schools
UNICEF in Action UNICEF is primarily responsible for providing education in Somalia UNICEF tries to use flexibility to reach as many students as possible so that students of different ethnic backgrounds, socio-economic situations and genders can be educated Quran education Non-formal education
Continued UNICEF also provides textbooks, sanitary kits and school materials to schools and students throughout the country Almost 7,000 teachers received pedagogical training and skills
Girls Education UNICEF is supporting girls’ right to be educatied in Somalia UNICEF is trying to educate Somali citizens about the benefits of education Somali girls