REPUBLIC OF TURKEY Language:Turkish Currency:Turkish Lira (Alphabet: Latin) Population: About 75.000.000 Capital City: Ankara Area: 783,562 km2 A bridge between Asia and Europe Continents
Organisation of Ministry of National Education Central Organisation Provincial Organisation Abroad Organisation Related Institutions
Central Organisation Ministry Office Board of Education Main Units Consultancy and Inspection Units Auxiliary Units Permanent Units
Provincial Organisation Ministry of National Education has been organised in 81 cities and 850 towns. Departments of Directories of National Education are: Management Staff Education-Training Budget-Investment Research-planning-statistics Inspection-guidance-investigation
Related Institutions National Education Academy Higher Education Council (YÖK) and Institution of Scholarship and Boards have been working in connection with the Ministry.
Goals Of Education To raise all individuals as citizens who are committed to the principles and reforms of Atatürk and to the nationalism of Atatürk as expressed in the Constitution To raise them as constructive, creative and productive persons To prepare them for life by developing their interest, talents and capabilities
Basic Principles of Turkish National Education Generality and equality, Needs of individuals and society, Orientation, Educational rights, Opportunity and equity, Continuity, Atatürk’s principles and revolutions and Atatürk’s nationalism, Democratic education, Secularity, Scientificism, Planning, Coeducation, Cooperation of school and family, Education everywhere
Turkish Education System The Turkish education system is organized on the basis of; Constitution of the Turkish Republic - Laws Regulating Education and Instruction - Government Programs - Development Plans - National Education Councils
Education In Turkey Ministry of National Education is responsible for: It is centralized under the Ministry of National Education Ministry of National Education is responsible for: drawing up curricula, coordinating the work of official, private and voluntary organizations, designing and building schools, developing educational materials …
FINANCING OF THE EDUCATION Public education is supported from the central government, Primary education is also supported locally, mainly for the construction and maintenance of schools.
General Structure of Turkish National Education System
Formal Education Pre-school Secondary Primary High School Education Higher Primary
THE NEW EDUCATION SYSTEM 4+4+4 The New School Term in Turkey started 2012 and with the new term starts a new Education System in Turkey which has been called the 4+4+4 system. This system extends mandatory schooling from 8 years to 12 years. The schooling years also sees the introduction of vocational classes starting at 5th year. Children and Parents can choose from a list of classes, the most controversial class being “The Quran and the Life of the Muhammad” where girls are also permitted to wear their headscarves during these classes. Other classes on offer including Maths, Foreign Languages,Drama,ICT, and Science. Children are obliged to take 12 years of education between the ages of 6 and 18,
compulsory Education The purpose of compulsory education(Primary,Secondary,High School) is to ensure that every Turkish child acquires the basic knowledge, skills, behaviors, and habits to become a good citizen, is raised in line with the national moral concepts and is prepared for life and for the higher education parallel to his/her interests and skills.They have a 4+4+4 year curriculum and prepare children for future higher education. Primary,Secondary and High School education is compulsory for all citizens, boys or girls, and is given free of charge in public schools.
HIGHER EDUCATION Universities (174) * Faculties * Institutes * Higher education schools * Higher Vocational education schools * Conservatories
Non-formal Education It involves all educational and training activities organized for the individuals that have never participated in formal education system or left school in one of the levels of this system. The second is one non- formal education and it involves all educational and training activities organized for the individuals that have never participated in formal education system or left school in one of the levels of this system.
Non-formal Education Non-formal education is realized by; Public Training Apprenticeship Education Distance Education Public, apprentship and distance education are the basic means of realizing non-formal education.
Turkey has initiated FATIH Project with the aim enabling equal opportunities in education and improving technology in our schools for the efficient usage of ICT tools in the learning-teaching processes by appealing to more sense organs in all 620.000 schools that are in the preschool education, the primary education and the secondary education through providing tablets and LCD Smart Boards.
, ***Lifelong learning approach, development of the proper structures in which all individuals can improve themselves through e-learning, and development of the e-content. ***All students that graduate from secondary education should have the ability to use the basic information and communication technologies.
***One of the three individuals in society should benefit from e-education facilities through the effective usage of Internet. *** Providing equal opportunities to everybody on learning and usage of the information and communication technologies. · ***One of the two individuals in society should be Internet user. ***Internet should be made reliable for society.