Exploring how people who work in the system can make the most of every opportunity to have a person centred conversation Conversations
Contents Activation - what does that mean? Why are we doing this? Describe the contacts in your service Making the complex simple Simple Underpinning Approaches - Questions Types Exploring resources Coaching Skills – power balance relationship of equals Checking in what matters to you? (Consent) Activation - what does that mean? philosophies, relevant to your world
Exercise Think of an experience when you felt valued as a customer… Think of a time you have made a difference, how did you make it?
Why are we doing this? When a person received a good experience what happened ?….. We understood what the person wants and what is important We paid attention to their wellbeing The person received the right care, right place, right time for them (choice) We did the right thing …and reduced cost to statutory system We enabled the person to self care and self manage at home or closer to home Talk through Equal relationship/balance power
Describe the contacts in your service Explore and understand the different types of contact with people and the day job - top 10 contacts What are the 10 most common reasons for people to come and see you? Top 10 contacts, how might we explore? Get below the surface
Co-creating Health Conversations Motivational Interviewing Keeping it Simple Shared Decision Making Consultations (Medics) Guided Conversations ( Age UK, Vol. Sec) Making Every Contact Count Screening (public health) Co-creating Health Conversations (Community health) Health Coaching (Clinicians) Social Prescribing (GP’s) What does this mean? Motivational Interviewing (Social Care) ALL ABOUT QUALITY OF CONVERSATION
Fixer or Enabler? Conversation topic: When does being a fixer trump being an enabler? Revisiting continuim between fixer and enabler, which one when, what circumstance (Outcome: when an emergency)
Continuum Exercise I am not responsible for choices people make Being given information alone does not make people change People come to us with solutions It is not possible to persuade people to change their habits Revisit fixer/enabler, might need to be a fixer in some circumstances, recognising when you can be an enabler
Spotting Opportunities Checklist – specific items e.g. safety Diagnosis/Assessment conversations Shared Decision making From a consultation point of view three different types, one is a checklist are we safe to do a clinical procedure, a place for that (quite fixing) Actually the surgeon checking which leg is important! A particular treatment plan may be times when that is important, and then a shared decision making approach which is - what matters to you? If someone has a question and you haven’t asked it Diagnosis –use of the word? Sometimes problem, sometimes where is someone at? How do you spot those opportunities? Way that I approach this consultation or interaction, intervention what is the opportunity to be more enabling
What does good rapport look like? Valuing a conversation where you are connected (exercise)
Marge… Thought
Exploring your relationship with time ‘I haven’t got time’ Relationship with time, up in our head, actually being present What things you do that you are not conscious of time? We can master or be victim of time
How do we use Open Discovery Questions to check we are on the right agenda? Exercise using top 10 contacts Understand open questions – check? What do you think it is – is it just open questions or is it something more Focus on discovery, curiosity In 2 and 3 how might you use open discovery question? Levels of listening – 3 levels
What about…. Conversation changers - allow people to stop thinking Questions - asking questions you don’t know what the answers look like Checking in with the person (consent) Being present and connected What happens when my agenda is more important than other peoples? What about…. e.g. birthday date –you were born on a Tuesday taking conversation somewhere else e.g. Question: What are you thinking?
Strengths based way to explore Resources Meeting people where they are – understanding their attitude/perception and strengths Identifying and tailoring the offer Why are some people more motivated to manage their own health and care? How do we explore with the individual what their resources are before looking at offer: Individual Community Resources Access as statutory body Giving information, supporting people, advice information - want to explore further Link back to Mike swartz PAM’s – need to think about this in no technical way
Scenarios (Activity) Take a conversation that has happened. How could this have been a conversation with discovery questions?
Giving Health Information & Screening Signals/opening up Exploring what someone has said - I’m hearing this .. Is that right? What have you tried before? What did you do? How did that work?
Close: How does it fit with your world? Talk to person next to you two things that you will take away from today One thing that you will do differently as result of today to discuss next time? (Public declaration and recorded sound bites)