KCTCS Responsiveness: PROgram Suspensions Pathways AND PIPELINES SOFT SKILLS
Program suspensions
How Are We Monitoring Programs?
Program Status Credentials Suspended: These are credentials that have been suspended—but may include a ‘teach-out’—for any level (Certificate, Diploma, or Associate) and for parts of the program (tracks) within the credential level. Program Suspensions: These are programs that have been officially removed from the CPE Program Inventory and include all levels of a program (Certificate, Diploma, and Associate) and for all parts (tracks) within the credential level.
Credentials Suspended 1998-2017 Total Credentials Suspended by Academic Year AA AS AAS Tracks AAT Diplomas Certificates Total by Year 1998-99 1 2 1999-00 2000-01 11 15 27 2001-02 3 6 5 20 2002-03 4 9 19 35 2003-04 18 25 2004-05 12 2005-06 7 8 36 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 22 31 158 216 2009-10 13 14 56 89 2010-11 66 104 2011-12 17 70 110 2012-13 21 34 63 119 2013-14 57 2014-15 23 113 175 2015-16 159 259 2016-17 203 265 Totals 65 204 246 1032 1590
Program Suspensions 2016-2017 College # Program Titles Ashland CTC 1 EMS - Paramedic Big Sandy CTC Motorcycle Technology Bluegrass CTC Elizabethtown CTC Quality Management Systems Gateway CTC Hazard CTC Henderson CC Fire/Rescue Science Technology Hopkinsville CC Logistics and Operations Management Jefferson CTC Volumetric Medical Imaging Madisonville CC Maysville CTC 9 Applied Process Technologies, Auto Body/Collision Repair Technology, Broadcast Television Production, Digital Game and Simulation Design, Energy Systems, Equine Studies, Masonry, Physical Therapist Assistant, Truck Driver Training Owensboro CTC Somerset CC Multi-Skilled Systems Technician Southcentral KY CTC Southeast KY CTC Mining Technology West Kentucky CTC 2 EMS – Paramedic, Health Physics TOTAL 19
Career pathways report
Background of The Career Pathways effort To appreciate the student’s matriculation process from entry to exit, we: Created a collaborative framework depicting the pathway of the actual student experience. Shared and refined the framework with the Chief Academic and Student Services’ Officers.
Pathways and Pipelines Student Services Dual Credit Academic Advising New/Workforce Career and Job Placement Returning/Transfer Alignment Scheduling Soft Skills Co-Requisites Graduation/Transfer Quantitative Pathways Assessment and Placement
Soft skills infusion into kctcs curriculum
Soft Skills Am I Job Ready? is a new, software program that KCTCS piloted in Spring 2017 for addressing soft skills. The pilot had the following benefits: Students were able to demonstrate the soft skills they have attained and they report that the assessments are useful in preparing for scenario-based interview questions. Technical faculty were able to assess whether students are prepared for work-based learning experiences and whether soon-to-be graduates were workplace-ready. General education faculty can show how the skills students practice in their classes contribute to future career success.
Cooperative Teamwork Planning and Organizing Influential Communication Initiative Flexibility Reliability Integrity and Respect Analytical Problem-Solving Management of Others Decision-Making Coping with Pressure Drive for Excellent Results Strategic Vision Innovation Continuous Learning Am J Job Ready Modules that ADDRESS the 2016 KCTCS Employability Soft Skills Survey results (in Black)
PILOT STUDY RESULTS Students are able to access test modules in situational judgement categories. Spring 2017 pilot results indicated: 1462 assessments completed by KCTCS students at 8 colleges participating in the pilot. 897 assessments passed (61% pass rate) 173 students completed at least one assessment 166 students passed at least one assessment 9 assessments is the average number completed by those students
PROPOSED NEXT STEPS – AM I JOB READY Engage colleges to implement the components of Am I Job Ready in Spring 2018 with a focus on: Career Strengths assessment Video introduction of the soft skill areas Promote completion of soft skills job readiness assessment