Research Presentation Let’s Begin
Leo Research Presentation on Bull shark Physical Marion Earl Elementary 2016-2017 By: Leo Habitat Interactions Animal Babies Interesting Facts Video Works Cited
Physical Characteristics (What does the animal look like Physical Characteristics (What does the animal look like? (ex: size, body, teeth, claws, beak, color, fur/feathers) Sturdy body Sound noses Black on top White on bottom Black tips Adult female: 290 lbs Adult male: 210 lbs Let’s Continue
Animal Facts What does the animal eat Animal Facts What does the animal eat? When does it eat (ex: nocturnal, how often)? How does it get its food (ex: chase, browse, dig)? Bony fish and small sharks Turtles Birds Dolphins Terrestrial mammals Sting rays Let’s Continue
Animal Facts How does the animal move Animal Facts How does the animal move? (ex: hop, slither) What sounds does it make? Swim side to side Can survive in fresh waters while swimming Use their tails to swim Let’s Continue
Habitat Where does the animal live? (ex: rain forest, desert, pond) Return Home Mississippi and Amazon rivers Like coastal waters better All over the coastal waters Sometimes spotted in large rivers
Habitat Write a detailed description of its habitat Habitat Write a detailed description of its habitat. (ex: rainfall, temperature, soil, plants, part of the world) Return Home Coastal areas of warm oceans Rivers and lakes Salt and fresh streams Several found in major rivers
Habitat How has the animal adapted to its habitat Habitat How has the animal adapted to its habitat? (ex: coloring, hibernation, heavy fur in winter) Return Home Their noses and eyes are very sensitive They can detect electricity Bull sharks store salt in their bodies
Interactions How does the animal communicate? Return Home Arch their bodies Use super senses to track far away prey
Interactions Who are the animals’ enemies? Return Home Tiger sharks Humans
Interactions How does the animal protect itself? Return Home Fight back Swim from biting attackers
Animal Babies How is the animal born Animal Babies How is the animal born? (ex: hatches from an egg, born alive) Return Home Born alive Pregnancy lasts up to 10 to 11 months Liters may include 1-3 pups
Animal Babies How does the baby change as it grows into an adult Animal Babies How does the baby change as it grows into an adult? (ex: sheds skin, loses tail, pupa) Return Home Eggs in the mother are hatched and then are born Eggs are laid (like birds) like humans, pups grow inside the mother
Animal Babies What does the young animal look like? Return Home looks flexible Teeth are small
Interesting Facts Return Home They have bad tempers When they have bad tempers, they bite Their known to be aggressive
Video Click ‘Insert Video’. Copy and Paste embed code where directed. Return Home bull shark attacks spear fisherman bull shark encounter- spearfishing bull shark attack in river bull shark attack on Florida bull shark hunts National Geographic
Works Cited You need to use at least 3 resources Works Cited You need to use at least 3 resources. List all resources you use. Return Home**