Tutorial Welcome to Module 13 This module is geared for K – 5 teachers serving English learners in all program models
Outcomes Here are some key outcomes for this module: Outcome 1: Educators will identify the connections and intersections among the California Theatre Standards, literacy capacities as described in the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), and English Language Development (ELD) Standards to create a strong and balanced curriculum for English learners.
Outcomes Here are some key outcomes for this module: Outcome 2: Educators will learn theory and strategies for integrating theatre and literacy to strengthen skills in both academic disciplines, with emphasis on supporting success for English learners.
Outcomes Here are some key outcomes for this module: Outcome 3: Educators will develop lessons for their own students using theory and strategies presented in the workshop.
Standards This is an interdisciplinary module that addresses theatre standards, ELD, and Common Core Standards. Through this integrated model, students will learn theatre strategies that inspire students and engage them in ways that build students’ communication abilities Refer to the Presentation chart for the standards that will be met in this module.
Sample Standards Here are some sample standards in the module: ELD.P1.Overview.12 Selecting and applying varied and precise vocabulary and language structures to effectively convey ideas CCR L4. Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases by using context clues, analyzing meaningful word parts, and consulting general and specialized reference materials, as appropriate.
Components The module is organized with these four components: Welcome and Introductory Activities Power of Theatre Introducing Tableau Connecting to Literacy
Content Outlines Refer to the content outlines under download which provide sample learning sequences.
Let’s Strategize Action Name Game This hands-on activity will meet both VAPA Standards, Common Core, and ELD standards. Refer to Handout for instructions. Available under Downloads. This is a great opener for your professional learning session
Setting the Context Be sure to share outcomes for the learning sequence. What/Why Theatre? It is important to make the connection as to why theater is a strategy for EL and how it connects to Common Core Standards.
Tableau This theatre activity opens doors for students. Tableau is a theatre strategy that allows students to translate information in a frozen picture or a series of frozen pictures. This activity allows for active engagement, critical thinking, and problem solving. From this strategy, you will be able to deepen literacy through other theatre activities.
Learning Theatre Strategies Participants learn vocabulary and processes: It is important as you make connections to the Theatre Standards, make explicit some of the vocabulary that is essential for the discipline. As you engage in the activities in the module, you will see intentional focus on the standards in a cohesive way that builds capacity in each of the content areas.
Literacy Capacities We suggest that you Introduce the ideas contained in the Literacy Capacities. Introduce the Bounce Card structure/strategy. Introduce a structure, Rainbow of Desire, to guide participants in reading literary and informational texts in order to explore how meaning and emotion are conveyed explicitly and implicitly through language.
Handouts These are the handouts that will help you in the implementing this module: Handouts 1a-1g: Let’s Strategize Handouts 2a and 2b: Words! Handouts 3a-3c: Data Hunt Handouts 4a-4f: ELD Standards, Grades K-5 Handouts 5: Literacy Capacities Handout 6: Bounce Cards Handout 7a: Theatre Strand 1 – Artistic Expression Handout 7b: Theatre Strand 2 – Creative Expression
Theatre Strands Script Writing In this section: Students will apply the processes and skills in scriptwriting to create informal theatre. Through this they will express information and ideas in oral presentations (ELD) and write narratives to develop imagined experiences or events using effective well-chosen details (CCSS) This activity is well defined in the Presentation Chart and in the Content Outline.
Debriefing and Discussion Weave in opportunities for reflection It is important to find the intersections with the standards. This allows for offering and supporting opinions and negotiating with others in communication exchanges (ELD) The Common Core Standards ask for presenting information, findings, and supporting evidence so listeners can follow the line of reasoning and organization appropriate to the task and purpose.
Customize Learning Progressions While the outlines provided should be helpful to you in addressing the content in this module, we encourage you to customize this module to make it work for you! The developers of the module determined a logical sequence for guiding students in this integrated module, but you may configure it differently to meet the needs of the participants in your specific educational setting.
Literacy Capacities For example, to this handout is very helpful in demonstrating how the standards work together. Available under Downloads.
Tap into Students’ Background Knowledge “Students need to connect with literature on three basic levels: text to text, text to self, and self to the world. All students bring something to the classroom. Becoming familiar with the backgrounds and/or prior knowledge of ELL students allows a teacher to engage students in literacy experiences that connect with their diverse backgrounds, thereby building on this knowledge.“ – Kristina Robinson, ELL Specialist
How To Tap Into Background Knowledge How to tap into this background knowledge if it's very different from your own? You can start by researching your students' native countries, cultures, and educational systems. You can also find ways for your students to contribute their own cultural experience in the classroom. This may mean asking students to show how a topic connects to their lives or to give an example of a particular idea as they would experience it in their native country. Students can bring music or art from their culture and describe its significance and meaning to their classmates. Refer to article under downloads “Connecting Students’ Background Knowledge”
We hope this module will provide resources that you can utilize in various educational settings. We know that arts can transform the lives of students.