Lessons Learned presentation by team teamwork: Yanting Li, Christina Liu, Ruth Lawanson
Importance of Product MySpace failed while Facebook succeeded because Facebook simply had a better product Facebook was created by engineers and programmers right from the beginning, focused on the business side MySpace grew too fast without maintaining quality of the site (ie. inappropriate photos) Lesson learned: partner with an engineering or computer science major student when considering a start up
Technology is Ever-Changing, Evolving Insane growth numbers for Apple products like the iPad, products that maybe 6 years earlier had never existed also with sites like Twitter, Pinterest Myspace should have further utilized Youtube and continued innovating Mobile technology is on the rise, that's where the next biggest technology market is plenty of opportunities available for entrepreneurs, now more than ever Lesson Learned: Keep learning and innovating
It's Okay to be Inexperienced When he was starting out, Rosenblatt didn't know much either Law degree instead of business degree When he became CEO at 25, he learned on the job Too much experience can hinder innovation Lesson Learned: Sometimes inexperience can be good, especially in an ever-changing world where sometimes ideas that seem not reasonable or not doable can turn out to be successful