Report of GRWG: Review of Actions & Web meetings


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Presentation transcript:

Report of GRWG: Review of Actions & Web meetings Special Issue of the IEEE TGRS on “Inter-Calibration of Satellite Instruments”: Special Issue of the IEEE TGRS on “Inter-Calibration of Satellite Instruments”: 12 September 2018 Report of GRWG: Review of Actions & Web meetings Tim Hewison

GSICS is about Standards

Not Chinese Standards

Or American Standards

GSICS is about Standards But defining global standards For radiometric calibration Procedures for inter-calibration Standards for Data Formats Filenames, Server structures, Variable names, etc... Internationally by working together in a global community of satellite operators

Special Issue of the IEEE TGRS on “Inter-Calibration of Satellite Instruments” There has been a lot of interest in the community with regards to the special issue topic. Submission deadline was January 31, 2012 later extended to February 29, 2012 The special issue submissions are now closed. There was an overwhelming response close to 45 manuscripts were submitted Manuscripts undergoing normal review process Target publication date of March 2013. The goal of this special journal issue is to capture the state-of-the-art methodologies and results from inter-calibration of satellite instruments including full end-to-end uncertainty analysis. Accordingly, this special issue will become a reference anthology for the remote sensing community.

Items being addressed here GDWG04_05R Define additional datasets, such as pixel collocations, that may be place for storage on the GSICS servers. Day 2 item GDWG04_05R/GDWG05_38/GDWG05_42 Definition documentation for permanent storage and definition of according meta dataset./ The GRWG is required to inform the GDWG on what GSICS products are required to be archived. / Confirm that the source and intermediate data sets are not required as a pre-requisite for product validation using different ATBDs. Day 2 items EP06_01 GRWG to define what should be the key factors that need to be displayed in the GSICS Instrument Monitoring web sites.

Defining our Principles EP11.8: GRWG, GDWG and GCC to refine the draft “GSICS principles” and submit them to the Executive Panel for endorsement. From Draft minutes of Exec Panel 11: Outreach actions (including web) With reference to the feedback from the Users’ Workshop, it was felt necessary to reinforce GSICS presence on the web. A clear statement on the scope of GSICS and the GSICS principles should be delivered on the GSICS portal ( . This should be informative and not overstating the activities and outcome of GSICS.  The proposed “principles” submitted by the GRWG Chair were found to be a very good basis. As concerns the science principles, the outcome should not be limited to the generation of FCDRs.

GSICS Principles Generic Principles Science Principles Traceability to common references through unbroken chain of comparisons with specified uncertainty Systematic generation of inter-calibration products To compare and correct calibration of monitored instruments to references For both Near-Real-Time and Re-Analysis applications Level 1 data (SDR, radiances..) Science Principles Transform observations to allow comparison Spatially, Temporally, Geometrically, Spectrally Multiple comparisons of observations to analyse stability/variability Generate Correction coefficients Review and publish Data management Principles Free and Easy access Through GSICS Data Servers Community standards for Data formats, naming Metadata

GSICS General Principles e.g. Traceability Reproducibility of results Openness Applicable to operational weather and environmental satellites of the Global Observing System (GOS) ??

GSICS Science Principles Traceability through an unbroken chain of comparisons to a common reference with specified uncertainty Consistency Applicable to all instruments in a given class Systematic Continuous ongoing inter-calibration over each instrument's operational lifetime Global applicable over the full range of observations?? Based on level 1 data as supplied by satellite operator To provide inter-calibration correction function to allow users to correct original level 1 data to generate Fundamental Climate Data Records (FCDRs) To provide bias monitoring to allow users to visualise any trends in the instruments' calibration ?

GSICS Data Principles e.g. Traceability Accessibility Inclusion of meta data giving complete description Accessibility Following community standards Data access (servers) Data formats Variable naming

Outstanding Actions EP10_11 EP10_17 GRWG06_02R “GRWG Chair to propose to give a presentation on GSICS traceability approach to WGCV/IVOS with a view to seek feedback from WGCV/IVOS on this matter.” Covered at QA4EO Workshop, UK, Nov 2011 EP10_17 "GRWG Chair to ensure that the GRWG is kept abreast of the progress made by WGCV/IVOS on navigation issues.“ IVOS23 Minutes: “Following discussions in a special technical session on geometric and image quality issues it was agreed that there was a desire and need for international collaboration to establish best practises leading to the formation of two new IVOS thematic focus groups: Geo/spatial Quality and Geometric Image quality. For the former Professor Denis Helder of South Dakota University agreed to take on the lead whilst the second has yet to have a confirmed lead. Specific terms action plan is now being defined” – in time for the next meeting (IVOS-24). See Day 4 item GRWG06_02R “GSICS sees GRUAN as an important activity. GRWG sees the primary benefit of GRUAN data to provide validation of GSICS products on Level 2 products in the framework of groups like SCOPE-CM and in the framework of CAL-VAL activities. This will require a 3-way interaction with those groups.” I will attend GRUAN workshop in June 2012 to discuss further.

GSICS Web Meetings 2011/12 Date Group Topics 2012-03-05/09 GRWG/GDWG Annual GRWG+GDWG Meeting (in Beijing, China) 2012-02-23 GRWG+GDWG Preparation for annual GRWG+GDWG meeting 2012-01-17 GRWG - T.Hewison DCCs for Geostationary Lightning Mapper and Meteosat-HIRS inter-calibration strategy 2011-12-13 GRWG - D.Kim Lunar Calibration – including COMS commissioning data 2011-11-17 Kalpana Calibration 2011-10-26 GRWG - D.Doelling Deep Convective Cloud Method 2011-09-06 Users 2011 Users' Workshop 2011-08-09 Form of GSICS Correction - diurnal cycles, offset terms and other sensitivities 2011-07-26 GRWG - L.Sun FY-2 IR Results - and midnight problem 2011-06-22 GSICS - B.Iacovazzi Instrument Event Logs 2011-05-26 GDWG - A.Jelenak Bias Monitoring web pages 2011-04-27 Combining Multiple References

Outcome of Web Meetings Mostly reflected in agenda for this meeting Need method to assign & track actions from web meetings (and others!)

Top Level Aims – for GRWG #1 Web Meetings, Joint Working Group Meeting & Users' Workshops Top Level Aims – for GRWG #1 Reflected-Solar Band: Review of ATBDs Roadmap to prototype GSICS Products – when/who…? Reference – MODIS traceability & migration to VIIRS? Strategy for LEO-LEO GSICS products Statement on USGS setting up ROLO facility for GSICS Re-Analysis Products: Review of issues General strategy – e.g. Reprocessing, versions

Top Level Aims – for GRWG #2 Web Meetings, Joint Working Group Meeting & Users' Workshops Top Level Aims – for GRWG #2 Infrared: Strategy for LEO-LEO GSICS Products Delta Corrections for Multiple references: Metop-A/IASI to Metop-B/IASI migration Handling midnight calibration issue with AIRS+IASI Using NWP as inter-calibration tool Review of issues