Cavity resonance control Feng QIU, 10th International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders, Japan, 2016
Resonance control Stabilize the RF field (A&P) for beam acceleration Minimize the cavity input power Feng QIU, 10th International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders, Japan, 2016
Source of detuning Feng QIU, 10th International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders, Japan, 2016
Detuning Lorentz detuning: usually effects the PS mode machine. Microphonics: effects both of pulse mode and CW mode. It is difficult to apply the FB control for Lorentz detuning (in PS mode), feedforward is recommended (think about why?). Lorentz detuning Microphonics
Sources of Microphonics Scheme showing a technical drawing of a TESLA cavity welded in its cryounit. Possible detuning sources due to external vibrations or liquid helium level changes (microphonics) as well as the system response to external excitation are shown. Feng QIU, 10th International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders, Japan, 2016
Microphonics FFT Microphonics will leads to a error in the RF field. Phase FFT Detuning (Microphonic) Feng QIU, 10th International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders, Japan, 2016
Lorentz detuning A standing electromagnetic wave in a cavity exerts pressure on the surrounding resonator walls, This radiation pressure is The quantities H and E denote the magnetic and electric field on the walls. The deformation of the cavity will result of detuning (think about why?). Detuning Acc. field Const.
Resonance control Feng QIU, 10th International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders, Japan, 2016
Tuner control Tuner system is used to compensate the cavity detuning. Feng QIU, 10th International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders, Japan, 2016
Piezo & Tuner Mechanic Tuner: usually for slow control or course control (slow and low precision) Piezo: Fast and high precision (piezoelectric effects) Cavity side Feng QIU, 10th International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders, Japan, 2016
Lorentz detuning compensation Mainly Lorentz detuning, can be compensated by piezo feedforward system. Feng QIU, 10th International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders, Japan, 2016
Results @ ACC6 of FLASH Detuning ≈0 @ flat-time Problems Feng QIU, 10th International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders, Japan, 2016
Resonance control for CW mode In CW mode machine, cavity is operated in CW mode, thus the cavity field is almost constant (steady state). The main detuning is Microphonics. Tuner (μTCA) Fine ctrl. ∆𝜃= 𝜃 𝑃 𝑓 − 𝜃 𝑝𝑖𝑐𝑘 𝑢𝑝 Coarse ctrl. Phase difference Sensor: same with LLRF control Feng QIU, 10th International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders, Japan, 2016
Applications in Resonance control Feng QIU, 10th International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders, Japan, 2016
DOB for resonance control It is also okay to use the DOB technique for tuner control if you have enough information of the tuner’s transfer function. Feng QIU, 10th International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders, Japan, 2016
DOB ctrl for resonance control @ KEK cERL It works but the gain margin is limited by some resonance peaks Feng QIU, 10th International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders, Japan, 2016 ERL(2015), F. QIU
TF of tuner system @ DESY XFEL TF of tuner system is some how complicated compared with cavity system. Feng QIU, 10th International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders, Japan, 2016
TF of tuner system Some advanced adaptive FF control technology @ DESY. Feng QIU, 10th International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders, Japan, 2016
TF of tuner system FF PI PI + adaptive FF PI PI + AFF Feng QIU, 10th International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders, Japan, 2016
Summary We have learnt The main two disturbances related to resonance control. Piezo tuner and mechanic tuner for resonance control. Lorentz force detuning can be compensated by piezo tuner with FF control. Microphonics can be compensated by FB and FF if we know the TF of the piezo system. Feng QIU, 10th International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders, Japan, 2016
Reference [1] S. Simrock, Z. Geng. The 8th International Linear Accelerator school. [2] T. Schilcher. Vector Sum Control of Pulsed Accelerating Fields in Lorentz Force Detuned Superconducting Cavities. Ph. D. Thesis of DESY, 1998 [3] F. Qiu et al., “Application of disturbance observer based control in low-level radio-frequency system in a compact energy recovery linac at KEK,” PRSTAB 18, 092801(2015). [4] A. Neumann, Compensation Microphonics in SRF Cavities to Ensure Beam Stability for Future Free-Electron-Lasers, PhD thesis, 2008 [5] F. QIU et al., Progress in the work on the Tuner Control System of the cERL at KEK, Proceedings of IPAC2016, Busan, Korea. Feng QIU, 10th International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders, Japan, 2016