Chapter 10, Section 2 Review Notes For Quiz
Chapter 10 Section 2 Notes II.Protest, Resistance, Violence A.Fugitive Slave and the Underground Railroad 1.Fugitive Slave Act and Personal Liberty Laws 2.Underground Railroad-Harriet Tubman 3.Harriet Beecher Stowe-Uncle Tom’ Cabin
B.Tension in Kansas and Nebraska 1.1854-Stephen Douglas-proposed splitting the Nebraska Territory. a.motives b.reaction to the proposal 2.The Kansas-Nebraska Act
C.”Bleeding Kansas” 1.Proslavery and antislavery people rushed into Kansas 2.John Brown 3.Violence 4.Summer-Violence in the Senate
Underground Railroad
Fugitive Slave Act
Harriet Tubman
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Stephen Douglas
Bleeding Kansas
John Brown
Questions How had the Missouri Compromise proposed to limit slavery? How did the Kansas- Nebraska Act propose to deal with the issue of slavery? Why did Douglas believe that popular sovereignty would solve the problem of slavery in the Nebraska Territory? Why did popular sovereignty, in fact, lead to “Bleeding Kansas,” instead of settling the issue of slavery in the Nebraska Territory? Who was one of the most prominent conductors on the Underground Railroad? What did the novel “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” attack? Who was the main force behind the Kansas- Nebraska Act? What would the Kansas- Nebraska Act repeal? Who did Preston Brooks attack? Why?
Character Development What does the expression "walk your talk" mean? Do you know people who walk their talk? What do you think of them? Do you know people who don’t walk their talk? What do you think of them? How do you feel when you hear people say one thing and do another?