Today’s Agenda and Objective A: 8/17 B: 8/20 Bell Ringer Partner Interview Writing Exit Slip By the end of class today, we will write a creative piece that mimics the style of the Nacirema article.
Bell Ringer #2 What are some common cultural rituals or traditions evident in most societies? Example: wedding rituals
Example of Nacirema Assignment
Writing Assignment Interview your partner about their class schedule, interests, future goals, hobbies, daily activities, etc. Write a “Nacirema” article about your partner, analyzing them from an outsiders perspective. Ex: What could playing video games be described as?
Body Rituals Among the Nacirema Nacirema Culture -poorly understood -background -ritual activity -focus on the physical body
Body Ritual Among the Nacirema -underlying approach to the body -daily ceremonies and rites -shrines -charms and magical potions -specialized practitioners -rites of ablution
Body Ritual Among the Nacirema “Holy-Mouth-Men” -Nacirema oral fixation -social impact -mouth-rites -specialist ceremonial treatment
Body Ritual Among the Nacirema Latipso -temples of the medicine men -ritual purification -gifts and payment -exposing the body -temple ceremonies -faith
Body Ritual Among the Nacirema The “Listener” -witch doctor -susceptibility of children -curses and “counter-magic” Conclusions -practices based on an aversion to the body -functions ritualized and distorted -magic-ridden culture -self-imposed burdens -position of insight?
Ethnocentricism is the tendency to believe that one's own race or ethnic group is the most important and that some or all aspects of its culture are superior to those of other groups. EXIT SLIP Make an argument defending your view of ethnocentricism in the world today. To what extend does it exist? How is it harmful or necessary?