Today’s checklist Introduction to mythology Creation myths and pourquoi tales Elements Example
“I believe in everything until it's disproved “I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?” ― John Lennon Punctuating quotations…more on that later
Introduction to mythology What do you already know about mythology? Mythology The term "mythology" can refer either to the study of myths or to a body or collection of myths A myth is a sacred narrative Usually explaining how the world or humankind came to be in its present form Broad sense: the word can refer to any traditional story
Typical characteristics Main characters: gods or supernatural heroes and humans Closely linked to religion or spirituality Myth is regarded as a true account of the remote past in its society Note the difference between “true stories” or myths “false stories” or fables
Creation myths Every religion, culture, nation and background has a way of explaining how life began, usually based around a religion. Today, over 95 percent of the world’s population believe in a creator. Over one hundred and fifty years have passed since the theory of evolution was bought to the attention of the world - before that, and for many today, all we had to explain how we arrived at this point in time was a story - a creation story.
Creation myths Humans wonder about the unknown and search for answers Nearly every culture has a creation myth that explains how the wonders of the earth came to be Immense influence on people's frame of reference The way people think about the world and their place in relation to their surroundings Despite great distances many cultures have developed creation myths with the same basic elements
Important cultural elements “Culture is the widening of the mind and of the spirit.” - Jawaharlal Nehru “Bordage” means “ice stuck to the bank of a river” in French This word is not recognized in French spoken in France What does this suggest about the culture of Quebecois people?
Humans and animals Notice the relationship between humans and animals Animals were viewed as equals They lived in harmony with humans - often each dependent on the other
The Raven Steals the Light As you read “The Raven Steals the Light”, highlight or underline parts of the myth that correspond to the elements of the creation myths Watch
Big Idea Consider that there are countless phenomena in our world that science cannot explain. Do creation myths and pourquoi tales still serve a purpose, despite that our society relies on science to explain the world around us?