What are the learning values? St Andrews is a school that recognizes that learning is more than simply listening and taking notes. We want our students to be engaged, cooperative and actively involved. The 8 learning values remind students of what is required to become a lifelong learner and help them to develop those skills that are required in life beyond school.
Why is content knowledge important?
You need prior knowledge to learn new knowledge You need prior knowledge to learn new knowledge. We continually build upon knowledge.
To value and enjoy gaining knowledge is what we need to become a lifelong learner
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Relating to others and working cooperatively as part of a team is a skill that we need
We respect others opinions and perspectives
We listen to others ideas and opinions
We will know when it is appropriate to compete and when it is appropriate to cooperate.
We will value participating and contributing
We ask questions
We are curious and choose directions for our own learning
We set goals and track progress so that we can achieve our potential
We take responsibility for our own achievement and learning
We have high expectations for our achievement and celebrate excellence
We will be iNnoVaTIve, creative and imaginative in how we approach our learning
Our learning will be future focused and we will use the latest ICT technologies in our classrooms
We use SOLO
We will be creative, critical and independent thinkers
We will use feedback and reflect on our learning
We will be resilient learners who have the courage and confidence to overcome setbacks
We realise results only come with hard work and determination
We plan and prepare
We use our diaries so that we can schedule and balance our commitments in and out of school.