Das Deutsche Schulsystem Deutsch III Notizen
Ausbildung in Deutschland Education = state-based so some differences may exist between the 16 Länder Very high academic standards throughout Deutschland
Kindergarten Not free OR required Available to children ages 3-6 Very difficult to get into Kindergarten Limited space Parents usually start asking about Kindergarten as soon as children are born Tuition = typically depends on income
Grundschule (Elementary School) Students enter when they’re 6 years old Consists of 4 years (grades 1-4) Students have one main teacher who teaches several subjects “Specialty” teachers = music, art, and physical education
Grundschule (Elementary School) Students learn: Reading and writing Basic math Religion Social standards & values Music Art P.E. HSU (Heimat und Sachunterricht) combines biology, history, and geography
Time to Choose After the Grundschule, parents and teachers choose between 3 different types of high schools: Hauptschule Realschule Gymnasium School chosen = based on student’s academic performance
Hauptschule Grades 5 through 9 or 10 Attended by about 50% of students Lowest-achieving students Slower paced Basic instruction of primary subjects, including English Students prepared for an apprenticeship or skilled/semi-skilled job After graduation, students can attend a 2-year vocational school
Realschule Grades 5 through 10 Attended by about 25% of students Unterstufe = “lower levels” = grades 5-7 Emphasis = basic academic subjects Oberstufe = “upper levels” = grades 8-10 Emphasis = specific disciplines
Realschule Students prepared for mid-level jobs in business and industry If student’s grades are high enough = possible to transfer to a Gymnasium Realschule diploma = Mittlere Reife Typical next step = vocational school Typical Realschule “jobs” = salesmen, nurses, mid-level civil servants, secretaries, etc.
Gymnasium Grades 5 through 12/13 Attended by about 25% of students Highest achieving students Prepares students for the university Students can enroll at the lower secondary level (5th grade) OR transfer to the Gymnasium after completion of Realschule (11th grade)
Gymnasium At least 2 foreign languages required one is English, the other is usually Latin, French, or Spanish 7th grade = students choose a Zweig (literally means branch) = track Common tracks include: Classical languages Modern languages Humanities Math/Science
Gymnasium Oberstufe = upper levels = last 3 years of Gymnasium (grades 11-13) 13th grade = students prepare for the Abitur = exam that students need to pass in order to study at a university
Verschiedene Gymnasien (Different Gymnasiums) In or near large cities different Gymnasien with various “specialties” Examples: Gymnasium Speciality Agrarwissenschaftliches Gymnasium Agriculture Sportgymnasium Athletics Technisches Gymnasium Technology Musikgymnasium Music Ernährungswissenschaftliches Gymnasium Nutrition Sozialwissenschaftliches Gymnasium Social Sciences Wirtschaftsgymnasium Economics Europäisches Gymnasium Languages Biotechnologisches Gymnasium Biotechnology
Gesamtschule “Comprehensive” schools Arose during the 1960s Only available in certain Länder Combine different types of high schools under one roof Enroll students of all ability levels Completion through 9th grade = earns Hauptschule certificate Completion through 10th grade = earns Realschule certificate
Grading System Grading scale used throughout Germany ranges from 1 – 6. 1 = very good 2 = good 3 = satisfactory 4 = adequate 5 = poor 6 = very poor 6 = Failing grade Teachers can add + or – to numbers to specify
Private Schools About 3000 private schools throughout Deutschland Most of them = boarding schools Separate from public school system & create their own setups and rules
Berufsschule (Vocational School) Typically for students ages 16-19 (but can go as high as 23) Students undertake a range of work-directed studies such as economics and specific business studies Studies usually directly related to an apprenticeship
Die Abitur!!! Degree received by Gymnasium students Allows entrance to a university Equivalent of an associate’s degree from a community college in U.S. Final examinations = Abiturprüfungen Students tested in 4-5 subjects 3 = required areas; 2 = chosen by student At least one exam must be done verbally
Abiturprüfungen Exam length: Advanced courses (2) = 270-300 minutes Basic courses (2) = 180-200 minutes Verbal exam = no more than 20 minutes All written exams = ESSAY! No multiple-choice! Taken during the spring (March – June) Students allowed to retake it only once Receiving the actual Abitur = based on these final exam scores AND your grades in final two years at Gymnasium
Abi Fun! Activity Description Abi-Bild A mural created by the students as a lasting memory of their class Abimotto A slogan that represents the class Abi-Homepage A virtual yearbook Abizeitung A paper yearbook of sorts with pictures and articles Abibaum A tree planted by the class on school grounds Abifahrt A special trip just for the graduating class Abiball Graduation celebration for students, staff, and families Abistreich A day of disrupted classes where there is often a program for the entire school Abigottesdienst A church service for the graduates and their families Abi-Video A movie made about the students and their teachers; often funny