Women entrepreneurship in figures Focus on Eastern Europe
Women on the labour market Activity rates by sex (age group 15+), % - 2015 Employment rates by sex (age group 20-64), % - 2015 Sources: National Statistical Offices Note: (Armenia) data refer to the population aged 15-75; (Belarus) data refer to the annual average and labour resources estimates for the population aged 16-59 (men) and 16-54 (women); (Moldova) data refer to the population aged 20-64; (Ukraine) data refer to the population aged 15-70. Sources: National Statistical Offices Note: (Armenia, Georgia) ETF calculation; (Ukraine) data refer to the population aged 15-70; (Belarus) data refer to the annual average and labour resources estimates for the population aged 16-59 (men) and 16-54 (women).
Self-employed women on the labour market Incidence of self-employment (%) - 2015 Sources: National Statistical Offices, OECD and ILO Note: (Armenia) data refer to the population aged 15-75; (Belarus) data based on the population census; (Ukraine) data based on ETF calculations and refer to the population aged 15-70. ARMENIA AZERBAIJAN BELARUS GEORGIA Republic of MOLDOVA UKRAINE % of female self-employed (out of the total number of self-employed) 47.7 51.9 37.0 47.6 42.4 41.6 % of female employers (out of the total number of employers) 18.6 33.3 30.6 40.9 43.1 28.0 Sources: National Statistical Offices and ILO Note: ETF calculations; (Armenia) data refer to the population aged 15-75; (Belarus) data based on the population census; (Ukraine) data refer to the population aged 15-70.
Women and business Female ‘presence’ in firms (%) - 2013 Source: World Bank (BEEPS)
Women and business Perceived obstacles (%) - 2013 ARMENIA AZERBAIJAN ARMENIA AZERBAIJAN BELARUS GEORGIA Republic of MOLDOVA UKRAINE % of firms that consider ACCESS TO FINANCE as the biggest obstacle Firms with female top manager (male top manager) 7.2 (6.6) 32.6 (31.3) 10.2 (22.4) 17.2 (23.2) 9.7 (10.5) 14.8 (22.7) % of firms that consider CORRUPTION as the biggest obstacle 2.2 (6.2) 9.3 (3.3) 1.3 (4.2) 0.5 (1.4) 42.9 (16.9) 8.5 (21.7) % of firms that consider PRACTICES OF THE INFORMAL SECTOR as the biggest obstacle 5.9 (5.7) 26.0 (29.8) 19.6 (8.8) 5.5 (8.5) 2.7 (5.4) 15.0 (5.9) % of firms that consider TAX RATES as the biggest obstacle 31.4 (27.6) 22.2 (11.6) 29.3 (19.6) (13.3) 6.4 11.9 (16.4) Source: World Bank (BEEPS)
Data challenges Limited data available through Labour Force surveys (using ‘status in employment’) Even more limited administrative data, where sex (of business owners) disaggregation is lacking But….ad-hoc studies in e.g. Armenia, Belarus, Ukraine, and Republic of Moldova