Unit 3 – Resource Pack
Course Guide - Assessment for Unit 3 Outcome 1 – Analyse a selected solo dance works – Title: Newspaper Dance Choreographer: Gene Kelly Title: Smoke Choreographer: Mats Ek Outcome 2 – On completion of this unit the student should be able to choreograph, rehearse and perform a solo dance work and analyse the processes and practices used. Outcome 3 - On completion of this unit the student should be able to learn, rehearse and perform a group dance work created by another choreographer and analyse the processes and practices used. End of year performance examination: 50% of grade End of year written examination: 25% of grade
Terminology for revision: Expressive Intention – the idea or story Cultural Influences – (background, era, dance training) Form - (narrative (ABC), Binary (AB), ternary (ABA), episodic etc.) Unified composition - (sections (beginning, development and resolution ABC), phrases and motif) Body Actions – (GLEFTS) Physical Skills – (BFACTS) Technical Skills – (Safe dance) Personal movement vocabulary Elements of Movement – Time, Space and Energy (Qualities of Movement & Laban effort actions) Group Structures – (Symmetry, asymmetry, unison, canon, contrast) Spatial Organisation – (direction, level, eye/body focus, dimension) Spatial Arrangement – how you set up / refine movement in terms of phrases / sequences / sections Spatial Orientation – (awareness of you and others in space) Choreographic Devices – (RAASSA DIET) Technical and Production Aspects – Lighting, Sound, Costumes, Projection etc. Dance Design – E.I, M.V & Form Choreographic Principles - (unified composition, spatial organistion, group structures, EOM, E.I) Movement Creation process - (ISARE) Dance making-process – (ISARE, rehearsal, pre-performance, performance) Learnt work processes – (learning , rehearsal, pre-performance, performance) (learning processes = imitation, memorization, repetition Choreographic Processes = Brainstorming ideas, creating shapes with the body, using the mirror, using EOM, BA, PS (rehearsing processes = movement memory, refine technique, refine EOM, seek feedback etc. (Pre-performance processes = warm-up /down, mental prep, visualisation, walk through space etc.) (Performance processes = (projection, dynamics, posture, strength etc.)
Technique Solo assessment Criteria 1. control of body alignment and coordination of body parts within a range of body actions 2. maintenance of stamina and control of muscular strength within a range of body actions 3. control in the use of transference of weight and balance within a range of body actions 4. control in the use of flexibility within a range of body actions 5. skill in the varied use of time 6. skill in the varied use of space (shape) 7. skill in the varied use of energy 8. skill in projection of the whole body to demonstrate artistry and communicate to the audience
Technique solo – Mind Map
Technique Solo– E.I General expressive Intention: Song(s) selected: Style selected:
Technique solo – M.V – first section Criteria 1–4 require students to demonstrate control of physical skills within a range of body actions. In the VCE Dance Study Design, physical skills are movement skills including alignment, coordination, balance, control, flexibility, strength, stamina and transference of weight. Body actions include elevation, falling, gesture, locomotion, turning and stillness. Body Actions Physical Skills
Technique solo – E.M – first section Criteria 5–7 require students to demonstrate skill in the varied use of each of the elements of movement; namely, time, space (shape) and energy. Time Space (Shape) Energy
Technique solo – Artistry – first section Criterion 8 requires students to demonstrate skill in projection of the whole body, including transitions between phrases and sections, and use of eye line to communicate an artistic and expressive execution of the movement. Eye line Body Projection
Technique solo – M.V – first section Criteria 1–4 require students to demonstrate control of physical skills within a range of body actions. In the VCE Dance Study Design, physical skills are movement skills including alignment, coordination, balance, control, flexibility, strength, stamina and transference of weight. Body actions include elevation, falling, gesture, locomotion, turning and stillness. Body Actions Physical Skills
Technique solo – E.M – second section Criteria 5–7 require students to demonstrate skill in the varied use of each of the elements of movement; namely, time, space (shape) and energy. Time Space (Shape) Energy
Technique solo – Artistry – second section Criterion 8 requires students to demonstrate skill in projection of the whole body, including transitions between phrases and sections, and use of eye line to communicate an artistic and expressive execution of the movement. Eye line Body Projection
Technique solo – M.V – third section Criteria 1–4 require students to demonstrate control of physical skills within a range of body actions. In the VCE Dance Study Design, physical skills are movement skills including alignment, coordination, balance, control, flexibility, strength, stamina and transference of weight. Body actions include elevation, falling, gesture, locomotion, turning and stillness. Body Actions Physical Skills
Technique solo – E.M – third section Criteria 5–7 require students to demonstrate skill in the varied use of each of the elements of movement; namely, time, space (shape) and energy. Time Space (Shape) Energy
Technique solo – Artistry – third section Criterion 8 requires students to demonstrate skill in projection of the whole body, including transitions between phrases and sections, and use of eye line to communicate an artistic and expressive execution of the movement. Eye line Body Projection
Technique solo – Dance design Describe with examples the dance design of your solo: (E.I, M.V & Form)
Dance making process – Choreographing processes Movement creation process: Improvisation: Selection: Arrangement: Refinement: Evaluation:
Dance making process – Choreographing processes Other Choreographic processes: Brainstorming of ideas – Trying out different music – Using the mirror to create shapes – Experimenting with EOM – Experimenting with BA & PS – Selection of an EI – Using the Choreographic Devices – Using formal structures -
Dance making process – Rehearsing processes Practice / develop movement memory: Feedback: Refine (spatial accuracy, SAFE Dance, floor pathways, EOM): Video: Progress showing
Dance making process – pre-performance process Warming up: Nutrition: Marking out the space: Mental preparation: Visualisation:
Dance making process – performance processes Projection: Focus: Musicality: Safe dance / technical skills: Energy / dynamics:
Technique solo – technical skills After speaking to your teaching and reviewing your solo, what technical skills and/or performance skills do you need to refine before your exam?
Technique solo: practice questions: 1:When choreographing your Unit 3 solo (technique solo) you used the five movement creation processes. Identify and discuss how you used two of these movement creation processes. 2: Pick a phrase from your solo. Describe the phrase in detail. Discuss how you used two Body Actions in that phrase. Discuss how you used two Physical Skills in that phrase. 3: List three physical skills. For each one of these three skills outline one way that it can be safely developed by a dancer. 4: Select two of the solo dance works listed above and refer to both of these when answering Question 3. Complete Table 1 by referring to one of the solo dance works selected. Complete Table 2 by referring to the other solo dance work selected. In each table, describe examples of movement vocabulary that demonstrate the choreographer’s(s’) use of each choreographic device listed. Do not use the same example of movement vocabulary twice Choreographic device Example of movement vocabulary 1. Abstraction Example 1 Example 2 2. Repetition Example 1 Example 2 5: When choreographing your Unit 4 solo (Composition solo) you used the structure of a unified composition. a. List the parts that form the structure of a unified composition. b. Briefly explain how the expressive intention in your Unit 4 solo created a unified composition. 6: Describe how you manipulated the Element of movement Space in regards to the form of your compositional solo. Discuss with regards to 3 different examples of that EOM.
Newspaper Dance
Prescribed Work – Newspaper Dance Joe (Gene Kelly) is a thirty-something year old still trying to make the big time. He’s in charge of a summer stock that’s without a location for its upcoming revue. His snotty fiancé-to-be, played by Gloria Dehaven, offers her spinster sister’s barn which will provide adequate space. Dehaven’s sister is portrayed by Garland who discovers that her true calling may lie in the stage, and not in agriculture. It’s also determined through a series of songs and shenanigans that Garland would make a much better fiancé for Kelly. After romancing his co-star in a barn, Kelly’s character, in high spirits, is left alone to dream of his ladylove. To the tune of “You, Wonderful You” (which Garland sang earlier in the film), Kelly conveys his emotions through the medium he knows best: dance. He performs a series of twirls intricate enough to divide his sole dance partner, a dated newspaper, into fours. His tapping is the signature Kelly style: crisp and close to the ground while maintaining that athleticism he is still noted for today. He dons typical Kelly garb: simple polo shirt, loose pants (always too short) revealing a pair of white socks, and loafers. He is dashing, especially when he flashes that winning Irish smile. Oh, why can’t they make them like they used to?
Prescribed Work – Newspaper Dance: Expressive Intention
Form: Narrative ABC
Prescribed Work – Newspaper Dance Cultural Influence Background of the era: Gene Kelly’s life: Gene Kelly’s dance training:
Body Actions - Gesture Section A Section B Section C Example of movement: Link to expressive intention:
Body Actions - Locomotion Section A Section B Section C Example of movement: Link to expressive intention:
Body Actions - Elevation Section A Section B Section C Example of movement: Link to expressive intention:
Body Actions - Falling Section A Section B Section C Example of movement: Link to expressive intention:
Body Actions - Turning Section A Section B Section C Example of movement: Link to expressive intention:
Body Actions - Stillness Section A Section B Section C Example of movement: Link to expressive intention:
Physical Skills
Physical Skills - Balance Section A Section B Section C Example of movement: Link to expressive intention:
Physical Skills - Flexibility Section A Section B Section C Example of movement: Link to expressive intention:
Physical skills - Alignment Section A Section B Section C Example of movement: Link to expressive intention:
Physical Skills – Coordination / control Section A Section B Section C Example of movement: Link to expressive intention:
Physical Skills – Transference of weight Section A Section B Section C Example of movement: Link to expressive intention:
Physical Skills - Stamina Section A Section B Section C Example of movement: Link to expressive intention:
Elements of Movement
Element of Movement – Time (Accent) Section A Section B Section C Example of movement: Link to expressive intention:
Element of Movement - Time Section A Section B Section C Example of movement: Link to expressive intention:
Element of Movement – Space Section A Section B Section C Example of movement: Link to expressive intention:
Element of Movement – Energy Section A Section B Section C Example of movement: Link to expressive intention:
Qualities of Movement Section A Section B Section C Example of movement: Link to expressive intention:
Choreographic Devices
Choreographic Devices Section A Section B Section C Example of movement: Link to expressive intention:
Choreographic Devices Section A Section B Section C Example of movement: Link to expressive intention:
Dance Design
Dance Design Section A Section B Section C Expressive Intention: Movement Vocabulary: How they link:
Production Aspects
Production Aspects Section A Section B Section C Lighting: Sound: Costumes:
Prescribed work – practice questions 1: Describe the Expressive intention of the ‘Newspaper Dance’ in terms of the formal structure of the piece. 2: Discuss how one cultural influence has impacted the movement vocabulary and the expressive intention of the ‘Newspaper Dance’. 3: Pick one Body Action and discuss how it has been manipulated to explore the expressive intention of the piece for each section. 4: Describe the Dance design of the ‘Newspaper Dance’. 5: Discuss how one cultural influence has impacted on one production aspect in the ‘Newspaper Dance’.