High-resolution observations of X-ray Binaries James Miller-Jones (NRAO, Charlottesville) jmiller@nrao.edu
X-ray binaries
Comparison to AGN Closer Less massive Smaller sample size Proper motion studies Parallactic distances Less massive Less angular resolution (rSch/d = 2GMBH/c2d) Increased time resolution (t a MBH) Smaller sample size Study individual objects rather than large samples
What can you do with VLBI? Astrometry: Distances (via parallax) Proper motions Imaging: Observe real-time jet evolution Resolve jet morphology
Astrometry: LSI +61o303 Dhawan, Mioduszewski & Rupen (2006)
Astrometry: Parallaxes Source Parallax (mas) Distance (kpc) Reference Sco X-1 0.36 ± 0.04 2.8 ± 0.3 Bradshaw et al. (1999) Cyg X-1 0.73 ± 0.30 1.4+0.9-0.4 Lestrade et al. (1999) Requires persistent, unresolved source Model-independent distances Distance needed for other quantities Bradshaw et al. (1999)
Astrometry: kinematics Source Peculiar velocity (km/s) GRO J1655-40 420 ± 53 Sco X-1 286 ± 18 XTE J1118+480 159 ± 25 V404 Cyg 84 ± 83 GRS 1915+105 53 ± 68 Cyg X-1 37 ± 28 LSI +61 303 22 ± 2 Grimm, Gilfanov & Sunyaev (2002)
Astrometry: kinematics (cont’d) GRO J1655-40 (HST): formed in the disk, large natal kick, now on eccentric orbit XTE J1118+480: high velocity system in eccentric orbit, probably formed in the halo Sco X-1: eccentric orbit similar to globular clusters GRS 1915+105: peculiar velocity due to scattering off spiral arms Cygnus X-1: formed with no energetic SN LSI +61o303: lost only ~1MO in SN, received asymmetric kick
Galactic dynamics: XTE J1118+480
Real-time evolution of jets: SS 433 Precessing, antiparallel jets moving at 0.26c Inflate W50 nebula Dubner et al. (1998) Hjellming & Johnston (1981)
Real-time evolution of jets: SS 433 162.5 day precession cycle Knots move ballistically outwards at 0.26c Nodding motion superposed on precession
Equatorial emission in SS 433 Disc wind High mass loss rate Blundell et al. (2001)
Real-time evolution of jets Mioduszewski, Rupen, Walker & Taylor (2004)
2 flavours of jets Mirabel & Rodriguez (1994) Fender et al. (1999) Dhawan et al. (2000)
State diagram for black holes (aka “the turtle head”)
Jet properties in the hard state Non-linear Radio/X-ray correlation LR a LX0.7 Persists up to ~0.02 Ledd Self-absorbed flat-spectrum jets Gallo (2007)
Jet properties in the hard state GRS 1915+105 LX ~ LEdd Resolved jet Gallo (2007) Dhawan et al. (2000)
Jet properties in the hard state Cygnus X-1 LX ~ 0.02 LEdd Resolved jet Gallo (2007) Stirling et al. (2001)
Jet properties in the hard state V404 Cyg LX ~ 5x10-6 LEdd Unresolved ? Gallo (2007) Miller-Jones et al. (submitted)
Jet properties in the hard state Quiescent properties Collimation? Speeds? Energetics? Scaling with m Higher sensitivity! ? . Gallo (2007)
Neutron stars Intrinsically fainter than BH Also produce resolved, highly relativistic jets Migliari & Fender(2006)
Neutron stars Fender et al. (2004) Fomalont et al. (2001)
White dwarfs – RS Oph Recurrent nova White dwarf accretes from red giant wind Thermonuclear runaway every ~20y RG atmosphere shapes ejected material Radio emission from shocks Credit: David Hardy/PPARC
White dwarfs – RS Oph
White dwarfs – RS Oph 6 cm 18 cm Rupen, Mioduszewski & Sokoloski (2008) O’Brien et al. (2006)
eVLBI: Rapid Response Science Sources vary on timescales of days Traditional disk-based VLBI can take weeks to correlate Impossible to make decisions on follow-up observations Transfer data over the internet Correlate in real time Enables refinement of observing strategy based on actual data
eVLBI: Rapid Response Science eEVN Phased WSRT, Cambridge, Jodrell Mk II, Medicina, Onsala, Torun 128 Mbps Due for upgrade to 1Gbps Southern hemisphere eVLBI Phased ATCA, Parkes, Mopra, Hobart 1Gbps/155Mbps
eVLBI: Rapid Response Science Tudose et al. (2006): 5-GHz eEVN imaging of Cygnus X-3
eVLBI: Rapid Response Science Phillips et al. (2007): 1.6-GHz eVLBI imaging of Cir X-1 Rushton et al. (2007): 5-GHz eEVN imaging of GRS 1915+105
Future developments Upgrade VLBA to 4Gbps by 2011 16Gbps within a decade? 10mJy/beam in 8h Better than the HSA for astrometry <10mas astrometry on a 1mJy source Scalable software correlator 22GHz receiver system already upgraded Further possible receiver upgrades (4-8 GHz)
Future developments Improved instantaneous sensitivity Time-resolved lightcurves Probe nature of quiescent state Track moving components on ~1h timescales Closer calibrators (possibly in-beam) Observe neutron star systems Typically a factor 30 fainter than black holes Resolve hard/quiescent state jets How do jet parameters vary with m? Jet power/length/collimation .
Future developments High frequency observations with good sensitivity Beat scattering Extra resolution How does t=1 surface move with frequency? <10mas astrometry Accurate parallactic distances to all Galactic XRBs Resolve orbits of shorter-period systems Wider bandwidth gives potential for MFS
Conclusions High-resolution observations are crucial in furthering our understanding of X-ray binaries Only way to probe jet morphologies Astrometry crucial in tying down the fundamental parameters of these systems Upgrades to existing instruments will make much more possible within the next few years Take advantage of the wonderful facilities available!
Thank you, and goodnight… Thanks to the organisers for a wonderful conference! Have a safe journey home!