Thomas DeSena Dr. Steven Wininger Examinations of Future Time Perspective, Self Determination Theory, and Self-Talk as Correlates of Exercise Behavior Thomas DeSena Dr. Steven Wininger
U.S. Health Facts 60% of Americans are Obese Only 25% of Adults exercise regularly Kentucky leads the nation in heart disease related deaths
An Overview of Constructs Exercise Adherence Transtheoretical Model Self Determination Theory Exercise Motivation Scale Self-Talk
Exercise Exercise is any planned, structured, and repetitive bodily movements Used to improve or maintain Physical Fitness Examples: -- Jogging --Sports --Walking the Hill for class is NOT exercise
Exercise Adherence Frequency—How often per week Duration—How long per session Intensity---At what level of intensity
Transtheoretical Model aka: stages of change Precontemplation (I do not plan to exercise) Contemplation (I have been currently thinking about exercising) Preparation (I exercise some, but not regularly) Action (I exercise regularly) Maintenance (I have been exercising regularly for at least 6 months) Strategies suggested for each stage?
Self-Determination Theory (cont.) Previous research has indicated that different subtypes of motivation along the SDT continuum are differentially related to exercise behavior behavioral intentions to exercise
Future Time Perspective Measures the present anticipation of Future Goals (Simons, Vansteenkiste, Lens and Lacante, 2004) Zimbardo’s FTP scale CFC Scale
Self-Talk Self Talk, is best thought of as what you say to yourself. You may talk to yourself out loud or you may talk to yourself in your mind, so that only you can hear what you are saying (Gammage, Hardy, & Hall, 2001).
Purpose Examine potential differences for these constructs across Stages of Change AND Examine relationships among these constructs and exercise frequency
Methods Transtheoretical Model Measures 317 participants Precontemplation 10 Contemplation 53 Preparation 131 Action 69 Maintenance 53 317 participants --109 male 205 female Mean age—20.34 Measures Transtheoretical Model Exercise Motivation Scale Zimbardo’s FTP scale CFC scale Self-Talk
Results Differences across Stages of Change Future Time Perspective
Results Differences across Stages of Change Self-talk frequency
Results Differences across Stages of Change Extrinsic forms of motivation h2 = .25 h2 = .03 h2 = .34 h2 = .15 h2 = .04
Results Differences across Stages of Change Amotivation and Intrinsic forms of motivation h2 = .30 h2 = .17 h2 = .29 h2 = .16
Results Correlations between constructs and exercise frequency CFC .21 FTP .19 Amotivation -.35 External -.07 (not significant) Introjected .25 Identified .32 Integrated .42 IM-Learn .24 IM-Accompl .37 IM-Sensation .37 All correlations are significant at p < .01 except External
Conclusions Those who engage in exercise also are more future-time oriented Those who engage in exercise tend to be more intrinsically motivated Questions ?