Streamlining of Industrial Emissions Reporting 2nd EIONET NRC workshop on Industrial Pollution 16-17 June 2016 European Commission – DG Environment, Industrial Emissions & Safety Unit 1 1
General background In relation to Industrial Emissions reporting and its relation to E-PRTR, the Commission is currently implementing two projects: IED reporting tools and EU registry Integration of Large Combustion Plants (LCP) reporting into the E-PRTR website 2
Project partners: DG ENV EEA (project lead) (IT infrastructure) 3
IED Reporting tools / EU registry Main objective Translate Annex II of Reporting decision into IT tool Streamline/integrate different reporting obligations Data sets: IED installation data – Impl. Dec. 2012/795/EU - Annex II E-PRTR IED Chapter III – LCP data 4
Development of IED reporting tool – state of play Annex II of IED reporting decision 2012/795/EU Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT) IT contract signed in Autumn 2015 Make reporting easier for Member States (MS), EEA and Commission, provide flexibility, accommodate varying structures in MS, etc. Contract also covers work on EU registry 5
EU registry IED, E-PRTR and LCP data flows cover similar industrial activities Setting up EU registry containing administrative data on industrial sites Aim: streamline reporting of admin data through a single schema (within limits of existing legal framework) to increase consistency across data flows to allow exploiting synergies between data flows to lower administrative burden 6
EU Registry on Industrial sites 7
‘Level 2’ entities ‘Installation’ (IED, E-PRTR) ‘Facility’ (E-PRTR) means “a stationary technical unit within which one or more activities listed in Annex I or in Part 1 of Annex VII [to IED] are carried out, and directly associated activities on the same site with a technical connection to the activities listed and which could have an effect on emissions and pollution” ‘Facility’ (E-PRTR) “one or more installations on the same site that are operated by the same natural or legal person” (Combustion) ‘Plant’ (IED) refers to a “combustion plant” covered by Chapter III of the IED or a “waste (co-)incineration plant” covered by Chapter IV of the IED 8
‘Level 1 entity’: interconnecting ‘level 2’ entities EU registry: register and link different ‘level 2’ entities through their (common) administrative data. Communality: activities are operated on a ‘site’ = ”geographical location of the facility” (E-PRTR, INSPIRE) 'level 2' entities linked based on their geographical location ('operated on a single site") simplification: geographical reality presented as unique (X,Y) coordinates, defining 'level 1' entity, encompassing several 'level 2' entities 9
Original timeline (under evaluation) MS workshop on concept IED ERT: Q1 2016 Processing MS Feedback: ongoing Testing of IED ERT incl. registry: Q3–Q4 2016 MS meeting on feedback testing phase: Q4 2016 Submission of registry data (all level-2 entities, incl. all IED installations) sufficiently in advance of reporting deadline to enable smooth functioning of ERT MS report via new ERT: Sept. 2017 System in place for E-PRTR/LCP reporting: March 2018 Envisaged date project conclusion: May 2018 These (original) timelines are currently under evaluation. 10
Integration LCP reporting in E-PRTR website Aim: Single reporting on administrative and geographic data based on INSPIRE principles for industrial point sources Thematic dataflows covering implementation, emissions, permits etc. etc. Integration LCP reporting in E-PRTR website
Background: LCP data into E-PRTR For Large Combustion Plants (LCPs) emissions data and fuel use are collected at plant level since 2004 under Directive 2001/80/EC. IED continues these reporting obligations from 1/1/2016 onwards. 12
Subject of the project Integrate LCP reporting into E-PRTR Restructure E-PRTR xml schema Update reporting workflow and associated tools in Reportnet (EEA) Carry out a testing phase with MS, help them adjusting their systems User manual / documentation / update current guidance E-PRTR Reporters 13
Project tasks Data specification Integration options and XML Reporting Schema Quality assurance & control, data harvesting & transfer routines Harvesting of data and E-PRTR master database Deployment, bug fixing and handover Documentation, Standards and User Manual 14
Summary of completed tasks Task 1 (Data specification): completed. Identifiers created allowing links with IED Task 2 (Integr. options & XML Report. Schema): completed. New schema(s)/web-form(s) were developed and existing E-PRTR xml-schema were restructured Task 3 (QA/QC and data transfer): almost fully completed. New QA/QC reporting tools are being implemented 15
Summary of ongoing tasks Task 4 (Data harvesting and E-PRTR master database): Design DB model, Implementation of harvesting routines, conversion MDB files to XML structure, testing routines and compilation of data Task 5 (Deployment, bug fixing & handover): Deployment reporting tools in production environment, deployment of new database model & SQL routines, bug fixing period Task 6 (Documentation, Standards and User Manual): Data specification document integration LCP reporting, IT tech. spec's reporting tools, IT tech. spec's data integration, MS reporting user manual, handover documentation. 16
Timeline (provisional) Testing of E-PRTR and LCP modules took place: Q1 2016 MS meeting on feedback testing phase: Q2 2016 Closure of project: Q3-Q4 2016 Finalisation of EU Registry: Q1 2017 Fine tuning of interaction between EU Registry and LCP-E- PRTR integration project: Q1 2017 – Q2 2017 Envisaged date project conclusion: May 2018 These timelines are currently under evaluation. 17
Thank you very much! Further information: DG ENV C.4 (IED) +32-2-29-64341