The Rise of Nazi Germany Hitler and the Weimar Republic
The Weimar Republic After WWI, German leaders drew together in Weimar, Germany, and drew up a constitution. This created a democratic government in Germany called the Weimar Republic. Set up a parliamentary system led by a chancellor, or prime minister.
Problems facing the new Republic Political: Constant pressure from both the left and the right to make radical reforms Communists wanted the types of changes Lenin had brought to Russia. Conservatives longed for another strong leader like Bismarck.
Economic Problems Economic When Germany fell behind on reparations payments, France took control of the coal rich Ruhr Valley. Coal miners refused to work because of this, and in order to support them, the government printed huge amounts of paper money. This led to inflation: decrease in the value of the dollar along with an increase in prices. Made the German mark almost worthless. An item that cost 100 marks in 1922 cost 944,000 marks in 1923.
Dawes Plan The Weimar Republic takes step to ease economic pains of Germany. With the approval of the United States and France, Germany enacts the Dawes Plan. German reparations payments to France are reduced France withdrew its forces from the Ruhr America grants loans to help the German economy recover.
Great Depression Strikes Germany Just as Germany was beginning to recover, the Great Depression struck. Memories of the early 1920’s are revived in Germany. Germans turn to an energetic, charismatic politician who promises to end the economic crisis and restore Germany to the greatness of its empire.
Adolf Hitler: Background information Born in 1889, Adolf Hitler was raised in Austria Here he developed the first of his anti-Semitism (prejudice against Jewish people) due to Austrian Germans feelings of ethnic superiority. Later moved to Germany and fought for the German Army in WWI.
Hitler and the Weimar Republic Despised the Weimar Republic because he perceived it as weak and ineffectual. 1919, Hitler joins a small group of right wing extremists, and within a year became the leader of the National Socialist German Workers or Nazi Party. Similar to Mussolini, Hitler organized his followers into fighting squads, calling his the Nazi Storm Troopers.
Adolf Hitler: Mein Kampf While in prison for an attempted overthrow of the government, Hitler wrote his famous book Mein Kampf
Mein Kampf (continued) Became the guide book to Nazi goals and ideology Stated Hitler’s basic beliefs; extreme nationalism, anti-Semitism, and racism. Germans were part of a “master race” called Aryans which were light skinned, blonde hair, blue eyes The greatest enemies of the Aryans were the Jews. Germany had not lost WWI, but had been betrayed through a conspiracy led by Marxists, Jews and corrupt politicians.
Adolf Hitler: The Road to Power After a year in prison, Hitler began giving speeches to gain followers. Became very popular with veterans and lower middle class Germans who felt frustrated over their future. Great Depression played perfectly into Hitler’s hands. As unemployment rose, more people became frustrated with the current government. Hitler promised to end reparations, create jobs, and defy Versailles Treaty Fearing a growing communist threat, conservatives supported Hitler 1933 Hitler was elected Chancellor legally under the Weimar Republic