OCC/RAPS Feature Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Revenue Office of Chief Counsel Feature Background Creating Links Editing Links Revision Date: 02/28/2009
Link to OCC Feature Background RAPS OCC Database 1 The Link to OCC Feature enables users to connect a document in one OCC/RAPS assignment to one or more related OCC assignments. This feature saves time and eliminates duplication within the OCC/RAPS system because documents are linked rather than copied. Since the documents are linked rather copied, this means if a change is made in one document, that change will be seen in all the related linked documents. See illustration below: RAPS OCC Document Database 1
Enter the Docket Number and click GO. Link to OCC Feature Creating Links The process for linking documents from RAPS to OCC takes place within RAPS. To begin, open the RAPS application. Enter the Docket Number and click GO. All assignments associated with the given court docket number are displayed. Click on the RAPS Docket Number to select any one assignment. 2
Click the Docs tab. All documents for the given RAPS assignment are displayed. Locate the RAPS document to be linked and click Link to OCC. 3
Click Continue when the appropriate selection has been made. Identify the OCC assignment(s) being linked using one of three options: Enter assignment – Use this feature when linking to one OCC assignment when the OCC assignment number is known. Assignment with this RAPS Docket – Utilize this option when linking a document to the currently accessed RAPS assignment to the corresponding OCC assignment. All Assignment(s) with this Court Docket – Use this option when linking a document to the currently accessed RAPS assignment to ALL corresponding OCC assignments with the same court docket number (XXXXFRXXXX) Note: This option will be used most often. #1 #2 #3 Click Continue when the appropriate selection has been made. 4
The linked document should appear. This confirmation message is displayed when the link has been successfully established. Click Close. To Verify Created Link(s) Enter the OCC Assignment Number into OCC and click Go. Then click the Docs tab. The linked document should appear. Note: The Document Name, Document Type, Revision, and Date Added information is generated directly from RAPS. 5
Link to OCC Feature Editing Links 6 1. Deleting a Link in OCC The Edit button allows various options for deleting and revising the linked documents in OCC. Instructions for each option appear below these descriptions. Delete an incorrect link – This option allows the user to delete a linked document from OCC. Link to additional OCC Assignments – Users can link OCC/RAPS documents to additional OCC Assignments. Edit an Assignment Description – Revise Assignment Descriptions with this option. 1. Deleting a Link in OCC Enter the OCC Assignment Number and click Go. Then click the Docs tab. Locate the linked document to be deleted. Click on Edit. Click Remove. Note: This action will only delete the link in OCC; the document will still exist in RAPS. 6
7 2. Link to Additional OCC Assignments Enter the OCC Assignment Number and click Go. Then click the Docs tab. Click Edit Locate the document to be added to an additional assignment. Enter additional OCC assignment number and click Add. Note: A confirmation is displayed indicating the document has been linked. 7
8 3. Edit an Assignment Description Enter the OCC Assignment Number and click Go. Then click the Docs tab. Locate the document that needs to have its assignment description edited. Click Edit Enter the revised assignment description and click Save Changes. 8