Specialised Branches Pune Branch March 25, 2017
SPECIALISED BRANCHES Foreign Exchange Transactions. Recovery of NPA'S. Clearing house Operations. Large Corporate branches (Advances in Excess of 100 crore).
Foreign Exchange Transactions Are there any materials adverse feature pointed out in the reports of Concurrent Auditor, Internal Auditors and / or RBI Inspection which continue to persists in relation to NRE / NRO / NRNR / FCNR-B / EEFC /RFC and other similar deposit accounts. If so furnish particulars of adverse features.
Foreign Exchange Transactions Whether the Branch has followed the instructions and guidelines of the Controlling authorities of the Bank with regard to the following in relation to Foreign exchange and if so state the irregularities. Deposits Advances Export Bills Bills for collections Any other Areas.
Foreign Exchange Transactions Obtain list of all NOSTRO Accounts Are NOSTRO Accounts regularly operated Are periodic confirmations obtained. Are this accounts duly reconciled periodically. Any observation on the reconciliation be reported.
Foreign Exchange Transactions Please read carefully HO guidelines for reporting requirements under Foreign account tax compliance act (FATCA) Common reporting standard (CRS) VOSTRO Accounts RBI circular dated January 1, 2016 as updated on April 28, 2016 on “ Opening and maintenance of Rupee / foreign currency VOSTRO accounts of Non resident exchange houses.
Recovery of NPA'S Updating periodically information related to valuation of securities charged to the Bank. Age wise analysis of recovery, suits file and suits pending along with current status. Adherence to the guidelines relating to execution of degrees obtain for recovery. List of time bar decrees Accounting for recoveries and order of application. Scrutiny of accounts settled/ written off / closed during the year. List of new borrowers transfer to the branch during the year and scrutiny of the documents relating to the same. Upgraded accounts during the year
Clearing house Operations. System of Periodic review of outstanding entries in clearing adjustment account Comment on old, large, unusual outstanding entries that remain unexplained with age wise break-up. Guidelines of the controlling authority relating to clearance and scrutiny of concurrent audit report.
Large Corporate branches Stressed account Un secured exposures Restricted accounts Early mortality Credit Audits / Stock Audits Credit Ratings
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