Final Presentation Jolie Chen Kristine Delossantos Muel Kiel Albert Lui
Problem Profiles are used everyday "Judge a book by its cover" View other profiles as activity Profiles are used everyday, but not integrated all in one place Have to use some platform to see these individually, rather than just seeing them on the spot There is facebook and twitter for social profiles, LinkedIn for professional profiles. It would be ideal to have all the information in one place Judging a book by it's cover doesn't get you accurate information
Solution Socialight aims to integrate the profiling experience to real life.
Outline Tasks Current UI Design Evolution Future Enhancements Summary Reasoning Scenarios Current UI Walkthrough How it works Design Evolution Future Enhancements Summary We'll talk about the tasks that our interface was designed around Show how to complete those tasks with our interactive prototype Show we achieved our current ui through past testing and prototypes And what we plan to implement in the future as the project moves forward Finally wrap up the presentation with any last questions
Representative Task // Profiling "You want to see John's profile and see any common interests"
Representative Task // Profile Type "You're going into an interview and want to show your skills, rather than last night's party photos"
Representative Task // Locate User "You and John need to meet up, but in an unfamiliar area to you. Use Socialight to help you find John." feature was narrowed down to find a specific user instead of filtering out the crowd to display all people with a similar interest
Current UI // Navigation Augmented reality Hands free Interchangable
Current UI // Functionality View profiles Switch Profile Type Locate a user
Demo of Interface s/cse440/12au/projects/socialight/prototype
Limitations Edit profile details View more interests/photos Only can search for one user Adding/Deleting Profile Types Can't access menu without cancelling navigation
Design Evolution // Techniques Built a lo-fidelity prototype and tested with participants Gathered data about task performance Made changes based on feedback
Design Evolution // Navigation More support to use either eye recognition and voice command
Design Evolution // Menu Removed "Profile Type" as it's own sub-menu and placed it under "Manage Profile" sub-menu Renamed menu titles Menu Manage Profile
Design Evolution // Other Additions Added feedback for eye icon in top left if user tries to access them Added a "Help" feature for first-time users Feedback Help Guide
Future Enhancements // Profile Input Extracting data from social networking websites Separate application for profile editing
Future Enhancements // Filtering Find users under specific category Only see specific information about user Highlighting information about others
Summary Providing a new way of connecting with others Usability Testing New features