Dynamic Focus + Context for Volume Rendering Peter Sikachev Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms Vienna University of Technology
Primary interest (focus) Surrounding information (context) Focus + Context? Primary interest (focus) Full detail Surrounding information (context) Reduced detail Peter Sikachev
Example image courtesy of Stefan Bruckner Peter Sikachev 2 2
Example image courtesy of Stefan Bruckner Peter Sikachev 3 3
Example image courtesy of Stefan Bruckner Peter Sikachev 4 4
Example image courtesy of Stefan Bruckner Peter Sikachev 5 5
More examples image courtesy of Stefan Bruckner and Nucleus Medical Art Peter Sikachev 6 6
Focus + Context Drawbacks Front surface is usually removed or made less visible Though it preserves context, spatial orientation might be lost image courtesy of Ivan Viola Peter Sikachev
Animating Focus Woodring and Shen 2007 Peter Sikachev
Focus + Context Models Peter Sikachev
Focus + Context Models Peter Sikachev
Focus + Context Models Peter Sikachev
Dynamic Focus + Context Pipeline Peter Sikachev
Dynamic Focus + Context Pipeline cursor position button events etc Peter Sikachev
Dynamic Focus + Context Pipeline duration of interaction zooming in/out etc Peter Sikachev
Dynamic Focus + Context Pipeline generating dynamic style parameters Peter Sikachev
Dynamic Focus + Context Pipeline DVR-MIP (MIDA) Radial opacity change Other focus+context techniques Peter Sikachev
Rotation example Peter Sikachev
Rotation example Peter Sikachev
Rotation example Peter Sikachev
Rotation example Peter Sikachev
Rotation example Peter Sikachev
Rotation example Peter Sikachev
Rotation example Peter Sikachev
Video (rotation, DVR-MIP) Peter Sikachev
Video (rotation+zooming, opacity change) Peter Sikachev
Video (panning) Peter Sikachev
User Study Peter Sikachev
Manual or dynamic f+c change 2 tasks User Study Teaching video Manual or dynamic f+c change 2 tasks Peter Sikachev
Manual or dynamic f+c change 2 tasks on synthetic datasets User Study Teaching video Manual or dynamic f+c change 2 tasks on synthetic datasets Find the number of spheres inside spheres Peter Sikachev
Manual or dynamic f+c change 2 tasks on synthetic datasets User Study Teaching video Manual or dynamic f+c change 2 tasks on synthetic datasets Find the number of spheres inside spheres Find the shortest distance between equicolored spheres Peter Sikachev
Manual or dynamic f+c change 2 tasks on synthetic datasets User Study Teaching video Manual or dynamic f+c change 2 tasks on synthetic datasets Find the number of spheres inside spheres Find the shortest distance between equicolored spheres Questionnaire Peter Sikachev
Proposed technique allows interact less with GUI to get the result User Study: Results Proposed technique allows interact less with GUI to get the result Some users make fewer mistakes and complete tasks faster All users need more time to adjust Peter Sikachev
Questions? Peter Sikachev