nuSTORM and the Physics Beyond Colliders workshop Joerg Jaeckel, Mike Lamont, Claude Vallée 16th February 2017
Fabiola Gianotti SPC May 2016
PBC - scientific goal Explore the opportunities offered by the CERN accelerator complex to address some of today’s outstanding questions in particle physics These experiments would typically: enrich and diversify the CERN scientific program, exploit the unique opportunities offered by CERN’s accelerator complex and scientific infrastructure, complement the laboratory’s collider programme (LHC, HL-LHC and possible future colliders). Examples of physics objectives include searches for rare processes and very-weakly interacting particles, measurements of electric dipole moments, etc.
This study should provide input for the future of CERN’s scientific diversity programme, which today consists of several facilities and experiments at the Booster, PS and SPS, over the period until ~2040.
What’s not in!
Working groups Working Groups have been set up to address: the physics case of the proposed projects in the worldwide landscape their feasibility and possible implementation at CERN (or elsewhere) … with involvement being tuned to the level of maturity of the projects First general working group meeting 1-2 March Present plans, deliverables, timeline, resources Follow-up PBC workshop foreseen in autumn 2017.
Please bear in mind the competition for resources at CERN Organization Please bear in mind the competition for resources at CERN
Foreseen deliverables COMPLEX Fully developed proton performance plan – post LIU BDF Complete technical feasibility studies – input to SHIP CDS EDM Fully developed proposal including preliminary costing CONV. BEAMS Establish requirements, initiate feasibility studies LHC FT Preliminary conceptual design report GAMMA Exploratory study, initiate initial tests nuSTORM Exploratory study of implementation at CERN Review potential scientific impact AWAKE+ Exploratory study Technology Explore possible technological contributions by CERN to externally hosted facilities Document actual use of CERN infrastructure Facilitate potential use of CERN infrastructure Study physics case and technical requirements as input to ESU
Physics domain For each proposed project deliverables will include: evaluation of the physics case in the worldwide context; possible further detector optimization; and, for new projects, investigation of the uniqueness of the CERN accelerator complex for their realization. The subgroup core members include theory and experimental experts of the corresponding domains as well as representatives of the projects. Physics sub working groups: BSM subgroup: current projects: SHIP/NA64++/NA62++/KLEVER/IAXO/LSW/EDM QCD subgroup: current projects: COMPASS++/μ-e/LHC FT (gas target+crystal extraction) / DIRAC++/ NA60++/NA61++ Felt that nuSTORM physics case has been well elucidated
Deliverables Final deliverable due end 2018: summary document as input to the European Strategy Update process (2019-20). Will gather and summarize the status and potential of the projects (no ranking!) to help facilitate the update of the ESPP by the ESG group. The remit of the ESG is to establish a proposal for an Update of the medium and long-term European Strategy for Particle Physics, for approval by the Council.
nuSTORM… The program is well developed – little to add CERN side in the short term Exploratory study of implementation at CERN We’re time limited – end 2018 Preliminary feasibility – no given level (this is not a CDR) Minimal resources CERN would be willing to host if required But established network of experts… Possible synergies ENUBET, AD target (re-design ongoing) Material R&D CENF, BDF
“Exploratory study” A credible proposal for siting at CERN taking into account: SPS requirements POT/year, beam parameters, other potential users Fast extraction, beam-line Target and target complex, absorber Horn: engineering, simulation, energy deposition Siting of target and target complex, ring radiation protection considerations…, interference..., Civil engineering preliminary study might be possible – resources required RP implications, target, environment, muon fluxes near surface etc. etc.
Probably not… Services Components Site specific infrastructure Cost Cooling, ventilation, electricity… Components Power supplies, Instrumentation, Vacuum, Magnets Site specific infrastructure Cost
“Ring “just” below surface provides shielding”
Options 2013 First Considerations to implement nuSTORM on the CERN site “North Area Neutrino Hub” E.Wildner, CERN 2013
Conclusions Physics Beyond Colliders study group to look at CERN’s non-collider options out to 2040 Report to ESPP in 2019 A number of options on the table and now actively being pursued Process offers the option for nuSTORM to present a “feasibility study for possible implementation at CERN at end 2018” The level of detail of this study is to be decided but resource constraints at CERN must be factored in