CSE Strategic Planning Background Hank Walker
CSE Strategic Plan Last strategic plan done ~2001-2002 Faculty do not remember details Half were not here APR Committee recommends a new plan 5/29/2012 CSE Faculty Retreat
CSE Mission Our mission is to develop the human and intellectual resources needed to meet the future technological challenges in the field of computing. This includes developing computer scientists and computer engineers for positions of leadership in industry, government, and academia. 5/29/2012 CSE Faculty Retreat
APR Self-Study Department Goals Increase ranking of computer engineering to be in the top 10 and computer science to be in the top 15, among public universities, by 2020 Increase multi-disciplinary collaborations Increase faculty development Increase programs for undergraduate and graduate student development 5/29/2012 CSE Faculty Retreat
CSE Quality Enhancement Plan Adopted September 2003 Intended outcomes for each degree: Preparing our students to be competitive in the job market – industry or academia Ensuring that our students make adequate progress toward graduating Ensuring that our students have the skills and background to be valued employees 5/29/2012 CSE Faculty Retreat
Department Strengths Faculty Staff Students From top schools Good success – CAREER awards Collegiality Staff Very skilled and dedicated Students Graduate admissions from tier 1 schools Increasingly selective undergraduate admissions 5/29/2012 CSE Faculty Retreat
Department Weaknesses CS ranking Hurts faculty and student recruiting Undergraduate student-faculty ratio ~double top-36 CS departments – a factor? Research funding per faculty Few large grants ~half vs. top-12 departments Relatively young former students Limited development opportunities 5/29/2012 CSE Faculty Retreat
Department Opportunities Large multi-PI, multi-disciplinary grants Made it to ERC site visit Build on many collaborations Move CS ranking with PR Not that expensive Former students entering giving years Some promising discussions Increasing capacity 5/29/2012 CSE Faculty Retreat
Department Threats Federal budget State budget CSE depends on NSF more than any engineering discipline Primarily dependent on federal funding State budget Already cut lecturer, GATs Increasing threat of faculty/staff turnover Challenge recruiting good US PhD students Good job market, lower ranking Becoming true for India, maybe China 5/29/2012 CSE Faculty Retreat
Relationship to Strategic Plans Vision 2020 Action 2015: Education First COE Strategic Plan 5/29/2012 CSE Faculty Retreat
Vision 2020 Elevate our faculty and their teaching, research, and scholarship (1) Strengthen our graduate programs (2) Enhance the undergraduate academic experience (3) Build on the tradition of professional education (5) Diversify the A&M community (6) Increase access to intellectual resources (7) Enrich our campus (8) Build community (9) Demand enlightened government and leadership (10) Attain resource parity with the best public universities (11) Meet our commitment to Texas (12) 5/29/2012 CSE Faculty Retreat
Action 2015 Education First Fulfill our flagship mission Maintain enrollment and reduce time to graduation Elevate the impact of our scholarship Diversify the TAMU resource base Practice intelligent stewardship of resources Recognize and strengthen the contributions and value of faculty, staff and administrators Create clear processes and effective resource utilization Open accountability 5/29/2012 CSE Faculty Retreat
COE Strategic Plan (1) Undergraduate Academic Experience Experiential learning Institute for Engineering Innovation Demonstrate TAMU engineering graduates have distinguishing world-class capabilities 5/29/2012 CSE Faculty Retreat
COE Strategic Plan (2) Graduate Academic Experience Attract top students to graduate programs Nurture diversity of perspective Enhance quality of graduate education Create nationally recognized forum for conversation on new paradigms in graduate education and engineering research 5/29/2012 CSE Faculty Retreat
COE Strategic Plan (3) Research Portfolio Establish multidisciplinary research institutes across the college and university to address significant technology challenges Incentivize faculty to pursue dilemma-based vs. discpline-based research Portfolio management approach to strategically grow research in the signature research areas 5/29/2012 CSE Faculty Retreat
COE Strategic Plan (4) Faculty and Staff Development Achieve 30 NAE members by 2020 Retain and accelerate careers of faculty hired during the 2002-2008 reinvestment By 2020, increase underrepresented T/TT faculty from 32% to 40% Create uniform standards of staff support Create sense of shared commitment to COE mission among admin and professional staff 5/29/2012 CSE Faculty Retreat
COE Strategic Plan K-14 Engagement Be viewed nationally as a resource for model K-14 programs that address strategic workforce needs of the engineering profession Influence engineering high school courses Develop targeted strategic K-14 partnerships to recruit quality prospective engineering students. Align enrollment with demographics, including focus on national student designations of excellence 5/29/2012 CSE Faculty Retreat
COE Research Portfolio Sustainable Advanced Energy Systems (Energy, Water, and Environment) National Security: Defense Against Terrorism, Asymmetric Threats and WMD Engineering Improved Quality of Life (Health Care) Infrastructure and Transportation: Ensuring Capacity, Resiliency, Safety, Sustainability Providing Tools to Transform Research and Society: Informatics and Knowledge Economy 5/29/2012 CSE Faculty Retreat
Informatics Key Pillars Reliable communication networks Cybersecurity Management of data and its conversion to information Visualization and human interfaces 5/29/2012 CSE Faculty Retreat
Summary Meeting goal Initiate creation of a new CSE strategic plan Start of a process – similar to COE plan 5/29/2012 CSE Faculty Retreat