Co-Teaching Strategies Regional trainings April 5 or 6, 2016


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Presentation transcript:

Co-Teaching Strategies Regional trainings April 5 or 6, 2016 Welcome everyone to the session. Introduce Mandy and Fran and Ronda, Allow them to introduce themselves so we know what grade they teach and what area teachers are in the room. Explain that the agenda will include a variety of instructional arrangements including having the participants in job alike groups. 1

To be actively involved Value differences Agree to disagree Listen Can We Agree? To be actively involved Value differences Agree to disagree Listen 2

NC State Board of Education Mission “Every public school student will graduate from high school, globally competitive for work and postsecondary education and prepared for life in the 21st Century.”

As a result of this session, we will: Identify the alignment of the NC Teaching Standards and the co-teaching; Determine best practices used in the co-teaching; Identify the six types of co-teaching; Strategize tips for scheduling co-teaching in the master schedule; and Generate a follow-up and coaching plan for district implementation of co-teaching The session objectives include: to be introduced to the six types of co-teaching strategies, · identify best practices for using co-teaching in the classroom, · strategize tips for scheduling co-teaching in the master schedule, · discuss the alignment of the NC Teaching Standards and the co-teaching models; and · generate a follow-up and coaching plan for district –wide implementation of co-teaching.

Agenda Building the Foundations Alignment of Co-Teaching and NC Professional Standards Six-types of Co-Teaching Role of Scheduling in Co-Teaching District planning Evaluation

What have you done with Co-Teaching in your district?

Self-Assessment Activity How are we the same or different? Co-Teaching Reflections from Self- Assessment DFlLtVVWqEWnEPB--dab2WoTQy- CAnbLm25i0w/edit

Foundation Crumblers Read the Foundation Crumblers’ handout. Gallery around the charts. Place a dot beside two of the statements that are important to you Whole group conversation. 8

Why select the Co-Teaching Approach? Describe the students in the classroom; Reflect on the teaching style of you and your co-teacher: Strengths and concerns Think about the content to be delivered Identify the classroom environment and how that impacts your choice of co-teaching model 9

Parity: Shared Instructional Responsibility Behavior Management Assessment Data Collection and Record Keeping Communication Parent Conferences 10

NC Professional Teaching Standards Review the NC Professional Teaching Standards Identify the standards aligned with co-teaching Come to consensus as a table group

Break 12

Planning and Communication Lesson Planning Co-Teaching Approaches 13

Jigsaw: Six Types of Co-teaching Station Teaching Parallel Teaching Alternative Teaching Team Teaching One Teach, One Observe One Teach, One Assist

Presentations Newsprint Activity Type of Approach: Role of AIG Teacher Role of ELA Teacher Planning Time needed: How could we use this approach? 15


Assessment Strategies (4 Corners) What are the strategies for identifying assessment tools? What procedures do you have for assessing small groups and individuals? What classroom routines do you use while assessing students? What pratices for grading have you found accurately reflect student learning? l 17

Scheduling Ronda J Layman NCDPI Educational Consultant

March madness is over- time to pick your team Determine who is on your team a) General Education Teacher b) Special Education Teacher c) Support Teachers- ELL, AIG d) Guidance/Data Managers

Factors to Consider Class size Match student need with teacher strengths Maintain heterogeneous groups. Special Education Teacher’s strengths Don’t overload class with at risk students

3 Scheduling considerations to achieve success 1.Meaningful partnerships between consenting teachers.. Willingness to collaborate and participate in professional development in many areas. Continue successful partnerships whenever possible – if it isn’t broke…. Keep EC teachers in similar content areas and/or grade levels as much as possible to build content knowledge, comfort levels, and collaborative partnerships. Use the same pairs (or at least the same EC teacher) when multiple sections are necessary- which aides in teaching content, and scheduling.

Meaningful partnerships cont. Link intervention (Math, ELA), to the classrooms to be co-taught as much as possible . Teachers providing reading intervention co-teach in the English/ELA classrooms. Teachers providing math interventions co-teach in the math classrooms.

2.Class size and student characteristics Schedule EC students and sections first (including co-taught, resource, interventions, planning times for teachers, etc.) Don’t rely on the computer to schedule. Smaller class sizes if possible • Ratios – this allows for it not to become a dumping ground. Place enough students with disabilities in a class so that providing services is doable, but not so many that it becomes impossible to keep the instructional pace necessary for instructional success. Rule of thumb- Elementary – 25% of class EC, Secondary – 33% Other students in a co-taught classroom (general education students/ELL – who are these students?) Grouping too many students with learning and behavior issues in one class could make it difficult to impossible for teachers to maintain pace and rigor.

3. Common Planning Time Co-teachers should plan a minimum of once each week for each co-taught class. Long range planning time needed once per month or quarter to plan. ”Fine Tune” planning on a weekly or daily basis Consider release time when unable to schedule common planning times for co-teachers Planning time must be protected.

Lets get started Every school is different, but all of the research from those who have implemented inclusion successfully: a) start with the students with IEPs b) Have teachers at the table in the beginning c) Create a master schedule that can be flexible if needed but, no changes are made by individual teachers without administrative input, and thoughts as to how it will affect others. d) Protected planning time for co teachers.

Ideas for Scheduling Example of possible worksheet

Time to make it work Invest in sticky notes Prior to the planning meeting the EC teachers should fill out the student forms for each of their students. Information on forms should be based on data Scheduling must reflect IEP times and address the unique needs of the student.

Scheduling Examples to use

Break 29

Reflection 3-2-1 Reflection

Evaluation Please use the link in the agenda to access today’s session evaluation. Name of the Session: Co-Teaching Strategies