DPCA Treasurer’s Report 2015 Results and 2016 Budget Art Schankler 2015 DPCA Global Meeting May 12, 2015
2015 Results - Highlights Both Revenues ($152K) and Expenses ($125k)significantly below 2015 Budgeted amounts, but expenditures were reduced by more, leading to higher surplus for the year Highlight of 2015 Revenues was 2015 Global Auction, netting over $37,000, over $18,000 available for Country Committee GOTV expenditures in 2016 Revenues Sales of Women’s Caucus Calendar Only one CC event – less than anticipated Phone Calls to Major Donors generally met with good response Email appeals were less successful than hoped 42 Major Donors (>1,000) contributed $89k including all donations, and auction bidders Revenues exceeded Expenses by $27,000 (greater than projected in Budget) Expenses significantly less than budget due to transition to Nation Builder and non-implementation of certain GOTV and Communications activities FEC reports filed on time
2015 Results: Expenditures
2015 Results - Revenues
2016 Budget: Expenditures Expenditures total $213,300 General Operating Expenses: $60,800 2016 Meeting and Convention Consultant FEC reporting, financial management WebEx, etc. Communications: $36,500 Includes $20,000 Social Media Strategy and Advertising IT: $50,000 $22,000 for VFA and DA payments (USVF and NB) $4,000 for GOTV Support features VR/GOTV: $36,500 $10,000 phone-banking support $15,000 CC GOTV from Auction funds GOTV/Comms activities are SCALABLE
2016 Budget: Revenues Revenue assumptions total $185,500, including: Global Email Appeals - $20,000 Major Donor Calls - $20,000 Sustaining Donors – $12,500 CC Outreach - $10,000 CC Events - $10,000 Global Town Halls - $10,000 Net draw-down of cash balance $27,800
2016 Budget – Expenses
2016 Budget - Revenues REVENUE 2016P TOTAL REVENUE RECONCILIATION 92 93 94 Meetings 22,000 95 DPCA Global Meetings 20,000 96 Americas regional meetings - 97 Asia/Pacific regional meetings 98 EMEA regional meetings 99 Stipend Fund 2,000 100 Fundraising Programs 93,500 101 Sustaining Donors 12,500 102 Major Donors ($1000+) Non-affiliated 15,000 103 Major++ Donors ($5000+) Non-affiliated 25,000 104 Max-out Donors ($32,400) (Non-Affiliated) 105 Global Auction 1,000 106 CC Outreach 10,000 107 Major Donor Call Program 108 Other Donations 5,000 109 State Party Donations 110 Web Fundraising Appeals 21,000 111 Global Email Appeals 112 Women's Caucus Calendar 500 113 50th anniversary Book 114 Fundraising Events 44,000 115 Oktoberfest, Munich 4,000 116 Gala/International Dinner 117 Other CC Events 118 Global Town Halls 119 Other 120 COOP products 121 TOTAL REVENUE 185,500 122 123 RECONCILIATION 124 Revenues less Expenses - 27,799 125 Cash on Hand Beginning of Year 47,842 126 Cash on Hand End of Year 20,043 127 Cash at beg. of year plus Rev-Exp. 128 Difference NA
Prior Year Results $’000s 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Revenues 430 222 158 198 279 178 135 152 Expenditures 468 205 167 139 306 160 184 125