Maple Shade High School High School Orientation & Scheduling Night Counseling Staff Diana Betz Kim Kelly Nick Torno Aggie Lobley Anthony Ferrante
AGENDA Transitioning from Junior High Purpose of High School How to be Successful at the High School Program of Studies & Scheduling Overview Course & Credit Requirements for Graduation Athletics and Activities Communication Tools
Purpose of High School To prepare for your goals beyond HS Everything Counts!! Freshman Year is Critical to GPA To get along with different students & different teaching styles To give you an advantage when applying to competitive programs
Students who succeed….. COMPLETE ALL HOMEWORK Study and begin serious preparation for tests and quizzes at least 3 nights before the test Meet with teachers before or after school if they experience difficulties in classes Arrive at school ON TIME and prepared to work
Students who succeed (con’t) Have low incidence of absences Have parents who closely monitor homework, grades, progress and contact teachers or counselor if problems arise Put school at the top of priority list & are able to balance school, sports, friends, work, etc.
Program of Studies Course Selection process Grading/GPA info. NCAA information Counseling & CST contact information Description of Courses RCBC CAP Program College Planning Info.
Scheduling Overview First Week in February February-April Counselors meet with all students in their English Classes to review Program of Studies, scheduling criteria, elective choices, etc. Students complete initial choices in class. February-April Counselors meet with each student in grades 8-11 to discuss and select courses. Printout of course REQUESTS given to student and available on Genesis parent portal. Note: Special Education students only select electives in classroom. Their classes are selected at IEP meeting. Not available on parent portal until after IEP meeting.
Scheduling Overview (con’t) May/June/Summer Once Master Schedule is created, scheduling conflicts worked out by counselor and student if necessary. End of August Schedules mailed home and available on Genesis parent portal along with letter indicating when counselors are available for schedule adjustments. Second Friday in September No more schedule changes allowed.
Graduation Credit Requirements Grade Level Requirements Grade 9 Satisfactory completion of Grade 8 Grade 10 30 earned credits Grade 11 60 earned credits Grade 12 90 earned credits GRADUATION 120 CREDITS
Graduation Requirements SUBJECT CREDITS English 20 credits Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 15 credits 2 Years US History, World History Biology and Two Other Years of Science World Language 5 credits or Proficiency Health & Physical Ed. 4 or 5 credits each year Financial Literacy/Economics 2.5 credits Visual or Performing Arts 5 credits Technology, Vocational, and Careers Required Subjects Elective Subjects 87.5 credits 32.5 credits TOTAL CREDITS 120 credits
What all 9thth Grade Students will need to take English 9 Mathematics (Algebra or Geometry) US History I Science (Physical Science or Biology) World Language (French or Spanish) Physical Education/Health 9 One Elective
Math & Science Alignment Math Class Science Class Algebra 1 Geometry Algebra 2 Pre-Calculus Calculus Physical Science Biology Chemistry Physics , AP Biology AP Chemistry or AP Biology
Freshman Electives Computer Science Drawing & Painting Exploring Science TV/Video Broadcasting I Music Technology Intro. to Theatre & Comedy Improv. Drawing & Painting Ceramics Digital Mixed Media Yearbook Production Concert Band Concert Choir
Honors? Honors are rigorous courses for those planning for 4 year colleges Weighted (see pages 6-7) Honors placement is based on current grades & teacher recommendation 85 average or higher needed May take 1, 2, 3, or 4 Honors courses
Typical 9th Grade Honors English 9 Honors Geometry Honors (Alg. 1 in 8th) US History I Honors Biology Honors (Physical Sci. in 8th) World Language (French or Spanish) Physical Education/Health 9 One Elective
High School Transcript MAPLE SHADE HIGH SCHOOL Student Name GPA Date of Graduation Other information GRADE 9 COURSES GRADE 11 COURSES MHS Grading Information Course Levels Course Names Absences Grades Credits Course Names GRADE 10 COURSES GRADE 12 COURSES
Why is the transcript so important? Permanent Record Attendance Counts Admission to College and highly competitive technical programs
Standardized Tests Students will take PARCC for English 9, 10 and 11 and Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 Biology Competency Test (End of Biology course) NJDOE will let schools know if PARCC will be required to earn a diploma for the class of 2020
Athletics & Activities Students who are involved generally earn higher grades Adds to college resume Teaches time management skills Must maintain GPA & passing classes for sports eligibility All freshman initially eligible Communication Tools E-mail best to contact teachers and counselors Genesis Parent Portal to view grades, attendance, discipline E-boards to track assignments
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