Table of contents Grant purpose Business Plan Budget Trends: 2007/2008; 2008/2009; 2009/2010 Funding for 2009/2010 Monitoring capacity Projected Cashflow and Transfers Highlights of expenditure 1st Quarter Report Under expenditure and reason for deviation Way Forward
Grant Purpose Purpose of the Grant is to have transformed urban and rural community library infrastructure, facilities and services (primarily targeting previously disadvantaged communities) through a recapitalized programme at National, provincial and local government.
Business Plan The business and implementation protocol were signed on the 7th April 2009. It is after the signing of the business plan that the project kick-started. There are 118 Public Libraries in the Province. Libraries were clustered into three groups for the implementation of infrastructure and upgrading: 2007/08 36 2008/09 43 2009/10 39
Percentage Expenditure Budget Trends Financial Year Allocation Expenditure Percentage Expenditure 2007/08 22,680,000 10,491,048 46% 2008/09 42,588,000 35,891,971 84% 2009/10 55,515,000 3,592 (1st quarter) 6%
FUNDING FOR 2009/2010 ACTIVITIES R '000 Books/Library Material 11,518 Staff/Staff Training 1,098 ICT Infrastructure (Cabling & Data-line) 4,000 New Library Management system 3,680 ICT Operating Expenditure 1,000 Upgrading of Library infrastructure 10,213 Purchase of library containers 2,100 Security for Library Books and Staff 2,000 Literacy (Programme) 1,200 Special services provided (SALIB) Maintenance of library facilities Stakeholders Consultative Workshop 200 Building of new facility 3,000 Compensation of employees 10,505 Total 55,515
Monitoring Capacity Project Manager and support staff employed. Regular in loco inspections by the monitoring section of the Strategic Planning component. In year monitoring reports to Provincial and National Treasury, and the Department of Arts and Culture. Quarterly reports to Provincial and National Treasury, and the Department of Arts and Culture Annual reports to Provincial and National Treasury, and the Department of Arts and Culture
PROJECTED CASHFLOW AND TRANSFERS Cash flow amount Quarterly Transfer R 11,674,000 Date 17-Apr-09 Apr-08 3,886,050 May-08 Jun-09 2,775,750 Jul-09 2,220,600 Aug-07 4,996,350 Sep-07 5,551,500 Oct-07 4,441,200 Nov-07 7,216,950 Dec-07 Jan-08 - Feb-08 Mar-08 Total 55,515 11,674
HIGHLIGHTS OF EXPENDITURE (1ST Quarter 2009/10) A server that will link all libraries to Provincial Office has been purchased and delivered. Thirty five (35) libraries that have been cabled and with network up and running will be connected to internet and e-mail. A plan for the Literacy Programme has been approved. Implementation started with the training of trainers. Procurement plan for purchasing of library material has been approved. Publishers are sending in quotations as per requests. 14 Libraries have been installed with CCTV security systems: 2 libraries per district (Alfred Nzo; Amathole; Cacadu; Chris Hani; Nelson Mandela; O.R. Tambo and Ukhahlamba. The Department has already signed service level agreement with SITA for implementation of BROCADE to replace PALS. Orders for cabling of 14 libraries have been issued to SITA. Contractors for the upgrading of libraries are on site at 23 libraries: Chris Hani: 8; Ukhahlamba 2; Cacadu 5; Nelson Mandela 6; O.R. Tambo 1. Selection process for the 12 public librarians’ posts has started and will be finalized by the end of September.
Budget and Actual expenditure Q1 Outputs Approved Budget Committed Actual expenditure Time frames Compensation of employees 10,505,000 615,000 31 March 2010 Provision of Library materials 11,518,000 100,785 2nd quarter Upgrading of library infrastructure 10,213,000 95,649 349 ,000 3rd Quarter Training of library workers 1,098,000 45,030 61,355 2nd Quarter Installation of security system 2,000,000 51,299 212,852 Library Management Information System (Brocade) 3,680,000 - Literacy programme 1,200,000 30,105 Purchase of ICT equipment 1,000,000 381,000 619,000 Purchase of Library Containers 2,100,000 Stakeholders Consultative Workshop 200,000 New Facilities built 3,000,000 Maintenance of library facilities 4,000,000 1,595,793 Admin. Costs 518,000 15,520 TOTAL 55,515 719,388 3,592,000
Under expenditure and reason for deviation Upgrading of Library Infrastructure Projected Expenditure: R2,500,000 Expenditure: R349,000 Commitments: R95,649 Reasons for under expenditure: There has been a challenge in the capturing of infrastructure budget within the department and this is being rectified by Provincial Treasury.
Under expenditure and reason for deviation Library material Projected Expenditure: R500,000 Expenditure: Nil Commitments: R100,785 Reasons for under expenditure: There has been a delay in the approval of procurement plan due to late update of database for suppliers. The process has taken off in the second quarter.
Under expenditure and reason for deviation ICT Infrastructure Projected Expenditure: R4,630M Expenditure: Nil Commitments: Nil Reasons for under expenditure: In terms of projections the cabling of libraries and implementation of BROCADE was to be done in the 1st quarter by SITA. Due to delays in the site visits orders could not be issued, they have been issued in July.
Under expenditure and reason for deviation Compensation of employees. Projected Expenditure: R1,157,452 Expenditure: R615,000 Commitments: R425,452 Reasons for under expenditure: There are12 vacant posts for public librarians. These are going to be filled by 01 November 2009. There has been some changes in the structure of the department. This has resulted in some librarians being paid in wrong codes. Journals are going to be made to rectify this.
Total budget and Actual expenditure Budget for 2009/10: R55, 515, 000 Not transferred R43,841,000 Actual transferred R11,674,000 Committed R719,388 Actual Expenditure R3,592,207 Under Expenditure R 7,462,405
Budget for 2009/2010 Budget for 2009/2010: R55,515,000
Way Forward To progress with the implementation of literacy programme. Installation of tattle-tape security system to 20 libraries. Delivery of library material by service providers as from September. Signing-off of 14 cabled libraries